Master of Arts (Instructional Design & Technology)
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- PublicationRestrictedEducational technology training needs assessment for dyslexia educators(2021)Soofrina MubarakThe aim of this Educational Technology Training Needs Assessment (TNA) is to firstly pinpoint the real performance problems and assess their importance in relation to organizational goals; identify the skills, knowledge and attitude that educational therapists in Dyslexia Association of Singapore (DAS) should know and do (optimal) versus what they already know and can do (actual) regarding the use and integration of educational technologies in the DAS Main Literacy Programme; evaluate if the identified gaps are instructional or non-instructional in nature; and finally, to provide suggestions to close the identified gaps. In this assessment, 7 performance problems, also known as performance gaps between the optimal and actual performances, have been identified. The 7 performance gaps have been grouped according to three domains – skills related, knowledge related and attitude related. The techniques used to collect research data include survey, focus group discussion, observation and interviews. While most of these means were originally planned to be conducted in a face-to-face manner, due to Covid-19 safety measures, these were conducted using an online conference platform known as Zoom. While majority (21) of the participants were from DAS, 2 non-DAS subject matter experts also participated in this research, totalling 23 research participants. A total of 4 underlying causes were identified that led to the 7 performance gaps discovered in this study. These are: 1) lack of training, 2) lack of time, 3) lack of direct access to hardware and software and 4) lack of incentive and recognition. Upon identifying the causes of 7 performance gaps, targeted training and non-training suggestions are provided to bridge the specific gap.
219 28 - PublicationRestrictedThe effectiveness of one-to-one computing using flipped classroom strategy in improving students' learning in mathematics(2018)Huan, Samuel WeiguangThis study investigates the Primary three students’ learning of Fractions in Mathematics classes in Singapore. The students from a local Primary school was invited to learn Fractions using three different types of interventions, namely Flipped classroom approach only, Flipped classroom approach with one-to-one computing learning environment and one-to-one computing learning environment only. It aims to find out about the effectiveness of these interventions on the students’ performance on the topic of Fractions. In addition, this study looks into the Primary 3 students ’perceptions of their self-regulated learning and motivation in learning of Fractions. In order to achieve these, this study used the quantitative data collected from pre-test and post-test to analyze the effectiveness of the interventions. A survey was used to analyze the students’ perceptions of their self-regulated learning and motivation in learning. To substantiate the findings from the survey, qualitative data collected from focus group discussions was used to further elaborate on the students’ level of self- regulated learning and motivational in learning. The results of the study showed that there were significant increases from the pre-test to the post- test for all three interventions. The increase between pre-test and post-test for the intervention of Flipped learning approach with one-to-one computing learning environment showed significant differences when compare with the other two interventions in solving short questions. Overall, the students in all three groups showed positive perceptions towards self-regulated learning and reported relatively high level of motivation in learning. During the focus group discussions, students who were in the Flipped learning with one-to-one computer group and the one-to-one computer only group expressed that they explored the applications beyond what was required from the teachers to learn about Fraction.
From the findings, this study contributes to the field of Mathematics education through informing future studies about the possibilities and impact of implementing Flipped classroom with the support of a one-to-one computing learning environment. Furthermore, it examined the possibilities of implementing Flipped classroom approach to the Primary school students in Singapore while most of the existing literatures investigated the implementation of Flipped classroom approach to more mature learners in middle schools, colleges and universities in overseas education context.208 27 - PublicationRestrictedeLearning readiness of adult learners(2015)Tjan, Darren Francis Pin AnneLearning is increasingly used in adult education in Singapore and the Institute in which this study is being conducted is no exception. The Institute operates in the Continuing Education and Training (CET) industry and this study is an initial study to provide insight as to whether there are any areas that could be focused on to help our learners be more ready for eLearning. It is intended that results from this study will inform future research into the eLearning readiness of our learners.
Given the dearth of existing data regarding the Singaporean context, there is a need to begin to find out if our adult learners, who are adult educators, are ready for eLearning. This research identifies several factors that contribute to effective eLearning. In particular, it is determined that self-direction, the willingness to share information and collaborate with others, and the technological readiness to use various forms of information and communication technology are important to eLearning readiness.
Results from a survey done with 65 adult learners attending courses in the Institution indicate that there may be areas that could be focused on to help our learners become more ready for eLearning. Findings from the survey indicate that our learners may require assistance in using technology for managing information, sharing that information with others, and learning to collaborate with others through the use of technology.
It is suggested that some possible interventions may involve designing courses that explicitly fosters the collaboration skills of these learners. Effort should also be made to help learners recognise the importance of technology in learning, particularly in the Singapore context, and help shape the identity of our learners to become better ‘eLearners’.457 140 - PublicationRestrictedExploring the impact of using a computer-based learning package for student nurses’ performance in a simulation-based learning environment(2015)Pheang, Poh HoonChapter 1 describes the context of the study, explains the purpose and significance of the study and presents the research questions. Chapter 2 presents literature on First Principles of Instruction and using simulation for learning. Chapter 3 explains the methods used in this study. I will describe the study design, the participants, the treatment for both control and experimental groups. The instructional design of the Computer Based Learning package using First Principles of Instructions will be described in details. I will also describe my data collection methods and how I will analyse the data collected. Finally, I will report the method used to validate the instruments for this research. Chapter 4 presents and discuss the results findings. Chapter 5 presents the conclusions, limitations and recommendations for future research.
267 34 - PublicationRestrictedParents’ use of digital gadgets with young children and its implications for early childhood learning: an exploratory study(2015)Teo, Ming HuiThis research explores Singapore parents’ use of the digital gadgets, specifically, smartphones and tablets with their young children. The purpose is to examine the motivation and perception influencing parents’ choice of use, in order to discern potentials and implications of devices usage with young children for early childhood learning. Parents have the option of adopting a range of medium with their children, both digital and non-digital. Therefore, it remains a question why and how parents are using smartphones and tablets, specifically for the gratifications of the learning needs for their children. Parents with young children (aged 0 – 5) were interviewed. Using the uses and gratification model, this study examined parents’ motivation of use, expectations, and the needs being gratified. The technology acceptance model was also adopted to understand the attitude of parents towards smartphones and tablets that influence their usage of devices with young children. Finally, implications of using these devices with young children are discussed. Findings have indicated that parents’ use of smartphones and tablets for their children’s learning is shaped by their attitude towards the devices over motivation for use or the experience of using the devices itself. While the devices have shown potential to help developing disposition to learning and adding to the richness of the literacy environment at home, parents practise narrow use of smartphones and tablets as learning tools and their focus is not aligned with early childhood learning principles, which may cause regression in young children’s development. Furthermore, their ignorance of pedagogical affordances of the smartphones and tablets limits the potential of children’s interaction with such devices, rendering opportunities being wasted. Findings also suggested that parents’ use of smartphones and tablets risks oversimplifying the learning processes. It is indicated that much more work need to be done in guiding the use of devices by parents. It is recommended that further studies should be made in formulating guidelines that will guide parents and learning designers in designing smartphones and tablets activities that are aligned to early childhood education principles.
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