Now showing 1 - 10 of 118
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Science teachers’ engagement with ICT in Singapore: Different perspectives
    In this paper, we present narratives of three in-service biology teachers in their journey with the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in their practices. These narratives provide useful insights into the in-service science teachers’ ideas, dilemmas and actual usage of ICT. The use of narratives to present perspectives of biology teachers’ engagement with ICT is a deliberate one ─ different teachers have different experiences with their students and across different schools. As such, the stories generated are different but personal and real to each participant. The in-service teachers are purposively sampled: all of them having taught science in secondary school for at least three years and had shown a keen interest in technology during their pre-service teacher program. A series of questions was used to help the participants reflect on their experiences and craft their narratives. These narratives were then analysed using content analysis of recurring themes. From the narratives, we found that generic ICT tools could be used for evaluation of students’ learning while specific ICT tools such as sensors were used for the teaching of specific scientific concepts and to support scientific inquiry. Further, in deciding which ICT tool to adopt for their lessons, teachers took into consideration external factors such as availability of wireless networks, school infrastructure, ease of setting, and students’ motivation. In terms of professional development on the use of ICT, we found that sharing sessions on what works, time and space for experimenting with new ideas, and in-depth implementation of fewer ideas rather than many ideas worked for the teachers.
      307  510
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Investigating problem solving with computer-supported collaborative learning
    Cheung, Wing Sum
    In this study, we investigated group problem solving behaviour of twelve graduate students using Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). The problems were ill-structured design problems about the critique on the design of multimedia educational software. The students were asked to participate in an asynchronous online discussion which involved the following tasks: identifying design problems, discussing the design problems, developing solutions, and discussing the suggested solutions. The software program Knowledge Community, a CSCL that allows scaffolded online discussions, was used. Results indicated that the graduate students participated significantly more in identifying design problems than in discussing the design problem. They also participated more in identifying solutions more than discussing the suggested solutions. Implications about scaffolding ill-structured design problems can be drawn from the results of this study.
      112  116
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    Metadata only
    Learning in the 21st century
    This chapter discusses changes in perspectives about teaching and learning, as well as our state-of-the-art knowledge about ways to optimize learning in the 21st century. Researchers and educators suggested the need to change teaching and learning practices from those that cater to the Industrial Age to those that are aligned with the Knowledge Age. It involves changing roles, such as teachers acting as facilitators and co-learners and students taking more ownership in learning. This chapter will also discuss principles to optimise learning for 21st-century competencies using technologies.
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Beyond information pumping: Creating a constructivist e-learning environment
    E-Learning is currently one of the "biggest" things in the world of training and learning. The popularity of eLearning stems from its advantages, such as 24/7 accessibility, anytime-anywhere learning, ease of update of information, and self-paced learning. Very often, information is presented as hypertext, sometimes including hypermedia. The notion of re-usable learning objects is also gaining popularity. In this article, it is argued that simply presenting information to learners may not be the best way for e-Learning to occur, as it is making too many assumptions: the learners are motivated, the learners are able to learn independently, and the learners can transfer and apply the knowledge to real-life situations. It is proposed that to best harness the potential of Internet affordances, the definitive advantage of e-learning over learning via other media is to adopt a social constructivist approach, which is based on Vygotskian theories of learning and situated cognition.
      755  971
  • Publication
    Open Access
      169  225
  • Publication
    Use of information technology: Identifying the key competencies expected of pre-school teachers
    (Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2020)
    Cheung, Wing Sum
    Hew, Khe Foon
    Lee, Laureen
    In Singapore, IT has been used in preschools for many years (Cheung and Hu, 2002, Cheung, Hew and Chua, in-press). We do not have a clear guideline for training organizations to design and develop an IT course for preschool teachers. As a result, preschool teachers have varying standards to integrate IT in the curriculum. We believe there is a need to explore what IT skills and knowledge preschool teachers should have to integrate IT into the curriculum in the context of Singapore’s preschools.
      117  12
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Solving ill-structured problems mediated by online- discussion forums: Mass customisation of learning
    Ramya Chandrasekaran
    ; ;
    Yeong, Foong May
    To foster students’ learning of critical-thinking skills, we incorporated ill-structured problems in a Human Diseases module for third-year Life Sciences students. Using a problem-solving rubric and working in groups of three, students attempted to solve problems presented to them. We mediated their discussions by asynchronous online discussion forums (AODFs) as part of mass customisation of learning for 40 students where personalised learning was constrained by structure of the module. We examined the quality of students’ discussion, focusing on the feedback group members provided to one another, using an interpreted Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy to code students’ feedback. Our analysis indicated that the students were able to provide uni-structural and multi-structural level in relation to solving an ill-structured problem, even though they are not used to solving ill-structured problems. This indicated that in a mid-size class, while personalised-learning is not always easy, it is possible to mass customise learning for students using common ill-structured problems in a class by mediating problem-solving using student discussions as feedback. However, more can be done to scaffold peer feedback on solving ill-structured problems so that the level of collaborative-learning can be improved in a mass customised model that approaches personalised learning.
      137  145
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    Metadata only
    Technology for meaningful learning

    This book is written keeping in mind prospective educators as well as practicing educators who are seeking a good understanding of how technology enables, mediates or enhances learning. This book provides insights into the global trends as well as Singapore’s journey in the use of technology for teaching and learning. Readers will benefit from the various aspects of using technology for teaching and learning, including the theoretical underpinning, design methods, planning, managing learners, and related issues and challenges. Key considerations for integrating various technological tools are also discussed at length in these chapters.

    This is a go-to book for anyone who wants to understand how to enhance teaching and learning with technology.
  • Publication
    Developing a translating educational neuroscience Clearinghouse for the differentiated instruction of diverse learners
    (Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2024) ;
    Chen, Annabel Shen-Hsing
    ; ;
    Walker, Zachary
    Hale, James B.

    With increasing interest in the possible contributions of neuroscience research to educational practice, the field of ‘educational neuroscience’ has emerged. Educational neuroscience (also known as ‘mind, brain, and education’ or ‘neuroeducation’) integrates the disciplines of neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and education, and it seeks to study the relationship between the brain, mental processes, and behaviours using a combination of neuroscience and behavioural methods (Szűcs & Goswami, 2007). Neuroscience and behavioural data can inform our understanding of learning and can therefore inform educational practice (Howard-Jones et al., 2016). Some examples are: neuroscience data alongside behavioural data constrain psychological theories (Gabrieli, 2016), neuroscience provides new insights into the learning processes (De Smedt, 2018), and neuroscience leads to the development of new instructions (Howard-Jones et al., 2016). However, challenges exist in applying theoretical knowledge from neuroscience research to inform educational practice in order to impact classroom outcomes in the real world (Bowers, 2016a, 2016b; De Smedt, 2018; Thomas, Ansari, & Knowland, 2019).

    A major challenge in applying neuroscience research to inform educational practice is that there is a gap between the study of how the brain works and the practice in classroom, i.e., the neuroscience-education gap. Neuroscientists understand the relationship between brain and behaviour, but they have little knowledge about classroom instruction; educators understand classroom instruction, but they have little knowledge about the relationship between brain and behaviour (Ansari, De Smedt, & Grabner, 2012). The different languages used in the fields of neuroscience and education make the communication between the two fields and the understanding of each other difficult. Misinterpretations can occur when neuroscientists who have little knowledge about classroom instruction turn an experimental task into a classroom intervention or when educators who have little knowledge about the relationship between brain and behaviour over-interpret brain imaging findings (De Smedt, 2018). As a result, efforts to translate neuroscience research into meaningful educational practice have been quite limited.

    Bridges can be built at multiple levels to bring the neuroscience-education gap closer, and one way of applying neuroscience research to inform educational practice is by developing educator brain literacy (Ansari & Coch, 2006). Brain literacy is the understanding of the relationship between brain and behaviour; developing educator brain literacy is helping educators understand how the brain learns. The rationale for developing educator brain literacy is: (1) the brain is constantly changing in response to the environment (e.g., Dubinsky, Roehrig, & Varma, 2013); (2) cognitive diversity is the norm (i.e., there are individual differences in the ability to learn) for all children (e.g., Hale, Fiorello, Kavanagh, Holdnack, & Aloe, 2007); and (3) designing instruction based on the understanding of cognitive diversity maximises a student’s learning and potentially prevents learning difficulties from developing into a lifelong disability (e.g., Koziol, Budding, & Hale, 2013).

    Given that teaching changes the brain, brain literacy is potentially very useful for educators (Walker, Chen, Poon, & Hale, 2017). First, brain literacy can sensitise educators to individual differences in the ability to learn, which can help them differentiate instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners (e.g., Tomlinson, 2014). Specifically, brain literacy can help educators develop the skills to serve all students by recognising the impact of individual differences in the ability to learn on their instructional processes and student outcomes. Brain literate educators are more likely to understand and meet the diverse learning needs of students by recognising the signs and symptoms exhibited by students and applying alternative instructional strategies. Second, brain literacy enables educators to consider both brain and behavioural information when designing curriculum and instruction to improve student outcomes. Considering both brain and behavioural information may be more beneficial compared to considering behavioural information alone (Gabrieli, Ghosh, & Witfield-Gabrieli, 2015). Therefore, acquiring brain literacy has potential to empower teachers to re-evaluate the effects of their practices (Schwartz et al., 2019) in light of newfound neuroscience evidence, which although has yet to be empirically tested, may be beneficial for their students.