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    Between adherence and autonomy: The evolution of Chinese texts in Singapore
    (Routledge, 2021)
    The policy stipulated that schools in Singapore should be “local” rather than “nationalistic.” Apart from serving to contain the activities of Malayan communists, the 1948 Malayan Emergency also implemented a series of harsh restrictions on Chinese schools. This included the ban on hiring of teachers from China, stipulating that teachers and textbooks had to be trained and produced, respectively, locally. The first and second goals of the syllabus focused on the cultivation of students’ abilities in listening, speaking, reading, and writing the language whereas the rest focused on the cultivation and shaping of their capabilities and moral values. Singapore joined the Federation of Malaysia in 1963 and declared its independence from Malaysia in 1965. Singapore’s Chinese textbooks for secondary schools had always included the learning of knowledge in language, composition writing, and literary content. With the push towards this beneficial wave of reform, the Ministry of Education’s Curriculum Planning & Development department continued to review the syllabus of Chinese literature.
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    Singapore pie in global Chinese education: Inheritance and innovation in Chinese literature education in Singapore
    (David Publishing, 2015) ;
    Qu, Jing Yi
    在国际汉语教学中,新加坡的文学教育一直在不断的探索和前进,是颇具自身特色的“新加坡派”。 新加坡政府一直坚持实行“双语教育”的政策,致力于培养“双文化精英”,故而在华语的语言教学之外,还包括着文学文化教育。 本文即围绕新加坡华文文学教育的曲折历程,探讨其中的得失。
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    (辅仁大学中国文学系, 2012)
    《国语》乃中国先秦一部重要的典籍,但对该书的文学性探讨尚有欠深入。本文主要从篇章组织、说理方式以及行文风格等三个方面对《国语》的文学性进行析论。 认为《国语》于事中记语的篇章结构,使得每篇能以一事为起讫,因而在叙事的完整性上具有优长;在具体的写作上,该书善设伏笔,常常运用铺排、渲染之法欲抑先扬,从而使得情节曲折富有波澜。《国语》一书擅长说理,观点明确、议论透辟、逻辑严谨;注重论证,娴熟运用了多种论证方法,言辞富艳铺张,亦不乏虚构与夸张。在行文上,《国语》常有讽刺幽默、绵里藏针者,其文风韵藉婉转、意味悠长,这些都为后世古文家所称许和借鉴。
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    新加坡中学PBL导向的“文言文”教学 [Using problem-based learning to teach classical Chinese Prose in Singapore's secondary school]
    (National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2019)
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    (学林出版社, 2014) ;
    Qu, Jingyi
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    (巴蜀书社, 2019)
    汉语的国际教学不应只是语言教学,也应该包括文学乃至文化上的推广与传播。唐诗是中华文学桂冠上的耀眼明珠,学习唐诗对于外国学生理解中华文化行之有效。新加坡是华人为主体的社会,但英语已成为最强势语言,本文即以在新 加坡华文文学教学中的唐诗教学为例,探讨在此过程中面临的挑战,以及自己摸索出的教学策略。
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    (安徽大学, 2019)
    《文选》中的“难”、“对问”、“设论”,历来对其文体分类、特征及其文体来源众说纷纭莫衷一是。本文通过讨论《难蜀父老》一文在形式、内容、结构、性质等方面的特点,指出“难”体具备先秦“语”体的特征:即对问的形式、有关国家政治的内容,强烈的议论说理的目的,以及相对类型化的写作体制,其文体当来源自“语”体。同时,本文指出《难蜀父老》在对话双方人物的设置方面,较“语”体有所突破并说明其意义。此外,通过比较分析《对楚王问》、《答客难》、《解嘲》、《答宾戏》的文体特点,指出先秦“语”体当与“对问”“设论”都有源流关系,并具体分析其在汉魏六朝所展现出的新 文体特征。
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    (湖北大学, 2020)
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    Chronological narrative and locality-based narrative in early Chinese prose: A case study of Wu-Yue rivalry in Zuozhuan and Guoyu
    (Australian International Academic Centre, 2016)
    Chinese narrative tradition dates back to the Pre-Qin Period, and very often, such early historical prose employs a distinct narrative style. Amongst them, Zuozhuan is representative of the “chronological narrative” style, and Guoyu is representative of the “locality-based narrative” style. This paper seeks to analyse the narrative of “Wu-Yue rivalry” in the two texts from a narratological point of view, to understand how the two narrative styles influenced the plot development, characterisation, narrator perspective and significance, and narrative characteristics