Lim, Norman (Norman T-Lon)
Freshwater fishes, terrestrial herpetofauna and mammals of Pulau Tekong, Singapore
2016, Lim, Kelvin K. P., Chua, Marcus A. H. (Marcus Aik Hwee), Lim, Norman (Norman T-Lon)
The diversity of terrestrial and freshwater, non-avian, vertebrate fauna of Pulau Tekong, an island used almost exclusively by the Singapore Armed Forces, was compiled. Eighteen species of freshwater fishes, 15 of amphibians, 45 species of terrestrial reptiles, and 31 species of terrestrial mammals were recorded. Singapore records of the lizards: Ptychozoon kuhli, Luperosaurus browni, Cyrtodactylus pantiensis and the bat: Murina suilla are known only from Pulau Tekong. The island also has populations of the frogs: Limnonectes paramacrodon and Occidozyga sumatrana; the snakes: Lycodon subcinctus, Boiga jaspidea and Tropidolaemus wagleri; the lizard: Cnemaspis peninsularis, the slow loris: Nycticebus coucang, and the bats: Rhinolophus trifoliatus and Kerivoula hardwickii. These species are locally rare, and otherwise known only from the mature forests of the Central Catchment and Bukit Timah Nature reserves on Singapore Island. Pulau Tekong also supports populations of the leopard cat: Prionailurus bengalensis, the Sunda slow loris: Nycticebus coucang, the Malayan porcupine: Hystrix brachyura and the Sunda pangolin: Manis javanica—small mammals that are regarded to be rare and endangered in Singapore.