Tan, Chee Lay
促进深度学习的作文互评思维引导 [The thinking scaffolding that stimulates deep learning in writing assessment for peer review]
2019, Cheng, Gong, Tan, Chee Lay
2015, Puah, Lynn Dee, Tan, Chee Lay
The teaching of Chinese composition writing in Singapore is long influenced by examination format, which has led to a lack of creativity in the students’ writings. The Singapore Centre for Chinese Language initiated a one-year school-based pilot research in creative composition writing with a group of higher Chinese (HCL) students from a top independent and Special Assistance Plan (SAP) school. This design study is based on the theoretical framework of creative thinking and Selfdirected learning (SDL). The teaching and learning of creative composition writing are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively with pre-/post-tests, and verified by triangulation of questionnaires, interviews and observations. Teaching materials are authentic and are based on topics closely related to the students’ daily life. The designs of the pedagogical activities within and beyond the classroom are highly innovative and diverse. Meanwhile, a blog was also set up to provide students with a platform catering to creative input, output and exchange. The results of this study show that the teaching of creative writing helps to reduce the rigidity of the students’ writing, and enhances their writing interest and quality. The positive findings of this research show that there is great potential for it to be further promoted.
新加坡華文寫作教學長期受到考試命題作文“指揮棒式”的影響而成為格式化的寫作,缺乏創意。有鑑於此,新加坡華文教研中心於 2011 年展開為期一年的先導性校本研究,針對一所特選中學裡的一班高級華文學生,進行創意寫作教學試驗。本研究屬設計型研究,以創造性思維和自主性學習為理論框架,配以前、後測的量化和質化分析,並以問卷、訪談和觀察作為三角驗證。教學材料則選擇以貼近學生生活的主題和真實性語料(authentic material)為主,設計相應的課堂教學和課後自學活動,以創新、多元為準則。同時設立博客,提供學生創作及同儕交流機會。研究發現創意寫作教學除了能改進學生作文“格式化”的缺失,更能提高學生的興趣與作文質量,大有加以推廣的潛能。
The present: An overview of teaching Chinese language in Singapore
2016, Tan, Chee Lay
The sociolinguistic landscape of Singapore has in recent years been a prominent and unique case for language and social study that bestows the nation with a new title of ‘language laboratory’, besides acclaims like ‘Asia’s four little dragons’ or ‘Garden City’. Indeed, the swiftness and scale of language change in Singapore in the last 30 years may be unprecedented amongst nation states. In multi-ethnic, multicultural and multilingual Singapore, English has now become not only the most important lingua franca but also the dominant language in daily usage amongst the majority of Singaporeans, especially the young. There are two sets of important statistics reflecting the changing linguistic background of Chinese in Singapore: Firstly, the Census of Population 2010 highlighted that the use of English as the home language has become more prevalent which is in line with the rise of English literacy especially amongst the younger age groups. Secondly, in 2009, 59 % of Primary 1 Chinese students’ parents reported that they spoke mainly English at home. This was a large increase from 28 % in 1991.
新加坡的社会语言形势是语言和社会学中一个重要和独特的个案。除了“亚洲四小龙”和 “花园城市 ”,新加坡也被冠上 “语言实验室 ” 这个新头衔。在过去30年里,新加坡语言发展的速度是前所未有的。在这多元种族,多种文化,语言的国家,英语不但是通用语,也是大多数新加坡人, 尤其是青少年,最普遍使用的语言。这里有两组重要的数据反映新加坡华人语言背景的改变:首先,2010年的新加坡人口调查突出随着英语知识水平的提升,尤其是在更小的年龄层当中,英语已成为家庭语言。第二,教育部的数据显示华族小一学生的家庭用语为英语的比例从1999年的28% 增加到2009年的59%。
Facilitating creative writing instruction using iPads in secondary schools: A school-based research
2018, Tan, Chee Lay, Puah, Lynn Dee, Teoh, Hee San
Chinese Language creative writing instruction in Singapore has been unable to shake off traditional teaching routines because teachers fear that students to go off-topic in examinations. The Singapore Centre for Chinese Language and Nanyang Girls’ High School launched a year-long school-based research project in 2012, using iPads to supplement creative writing. Results indicate that the iPad strengthens the connectivity of knowledge and obtains seamless learning results, beneficial to the teaching of creative writing in the Chinese Language and students’ creative thinking abilities.
Using ICT in teaching the Chinese language: Practices and reflections from Singapore
2016, Tan, Chee Lay, Liu, May
The twenty-first century is the era of communication and knowledge construction, so information communications technology (ICT) literacy has become a critical twenty-first-century skill that enables students to engage in computer-assisted language learning (CALL). This chapter discusses current ICT practices in the teaching of the Chinese language in Singapore. These practices include integrating ICT into Chinese language curriculum goals and assessments, classroom teaching and student learning. Localised ICT platforms used in teaching and learning, such as iMTL and 10C, will be briefly introduced. We will then reflect on the use of ICT in Chinese language teaching in Singapore and suggest its possible future direction. Finally, this paper proposes a new term, authentic learning with ICT (ALICT), that refers to the use of real-life situations and contexts for immersive learning in an ICT-assisted environment.
二十一世纪是沟通和知识建构的时代,因此信息通信技术(ICT)已成为二十一世纪需要掌握的一项关键技能。这项技使学生能够参与由计算机辅助的语言学习(CALL)。 本章讨论了目前新加坡汉语教学中的信息通信技术实践。 这些实践包括将ICT 融入中文课程目标和评估,课堂教学和学生学习。 本文介绍本地化ICT 平台,如iMTL 和10C。 我们将反思ICT 在新加坡汉语教学中的应用,并提出未来可能的发展方向。 最后,本文提出了一个新术语,即ICT 真实学习(ALICT),它指的是在信息通信技术辅助环境中使用现实生活情境和背景进行沉浸式学习。
Scaffolding instruction of Chinese essay writing with assessment as learning
2018, Gong, Cheng, Tan, Chee Lay, Chin, Chee Kuen
This article shares ideas of how to teach writing through activities based on constructivism and scaffolding. The findings suggested that there is little relation between teacher’s feedback and students’ writing improvement. Instead, the relation is found between the numbers of communication seeking feedback the students send out.