Now showing 1 - 10 of 160
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Three-qutrit correlations violate local realism more strongly than those of three qubits
    (American Physical Society, 2002)
    Kaszlikowski, Dagomir
    Gosal, Darwin
    Ling, E. J.
    Zukowski, Marek
    Oh, Choo Hiap
    We present numerical data showing that three-qutrit correlations for a pure state, which is not maximally entangled, violate local realism more strongly than three-qubit correlations. The strength of violation is measured by the minimal amount of noise that must be admixed to the system so that the noisy correlations have a local and realistic model.
    WOS© Citations 25Scopus© Citations 13  144  273
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Bures fidelity of displaced squeezed thermal states
    (American Physical Society, 1998) ;
    Wang, Xiang-Bin
    Oh, Choo Hiap
    Fidelity has always been an important concept in quantum optics. Recently, it was found that fidelity can also play a key role in quantum information and communication theory. Fidelity can be interpreted as the probability that a decoded message possesses the same information content as the message prior to coding and transmission. In this paper, we give a formula of Bures fidelity for displaced squeezed thermal states directly by the displacement and squeezing parameters and briefly discuss how the results can apply to quantum information theory.
    WOS© Citations 14Scopus© Citations 18  160  224
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Resource-efficient high-dimensional subspace teleportation with a quantum autoencoder
    (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2022)
    Zhang, Hui
    Wan, Lingxiao
    Haug, Tobias
    Mok, Wai Keong
    Paesani, Stefano
    Shi, Yuzhi
    Cai, Hong
    Chin, Lip Ket
    Muhammad Faeyz Karim
    Xiao, Limin
    Luo, Xianshu
    Gao, Feng
    Dong, Bin
    Syed Assad
    Kim, M. S.
    Laing, Anthony
    Liu, Ai Qun
    Quantum autoencoders serve as efficient means for quantum data compression. Here, we propose and demonstrate their use to reduce resource costs for quantum teleportation of subspaces in high-dimensional systems. We use a quantum autoencoder in a compress-teleport-decompress manner and report the first demonstration with qutrits using an integrated photonic platform for future scalability. The key strategy is to compress the dimensionality of input states by erasing redundant information and recover the initial states after chip-to-chip teleportation. Unsupervised machine learning is applied to train the on-chip autoencoder, enabling the compression and teleportation of any state from a high-dimensional subspace. Unknown states are decompressed at a high fidelity (~0.971), obtaining a total teleportation fidelity of ~0.894. Subspace encodings hold great potential as they support enhanced noise robustness and increased coherence. Laying the groundwork for machine learning techniques in quantum systems, our scheme opens previously unidentified paths toward high-dimensional quantum computing and networking.
    WOS© Citations 5Scopus© Citations 17  64  122
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Cluster state generation in one-dimensional Kitaev honeycomb model via shortcut to adiabaticity
    (IOP Publishing, 2018)
    Kyaw, Thi Ha
    We propose a mean to obtain computationally useful resource states also known as cluster states, for measurement-based quantum computation, via transitionless quantum driving algorithm. The idea is to cool the system to its unique ground state and tune some control parameters to arrive at computationally useful resource state, which is in one of the degenerate ground states. Even though there is set of conserved quantities already present in the model Hamiltonian, which prevents the instantaneous state to go to any other eigenstate subspaces, one cannot quench the control parameters to get the desired state. In that case, the state will not evolve. With involvement of the shortcut Hamiltonian, we obtain cluster states in fast-forward manner. We elaborate our proposal in the one dimensional Kitaev honeycomb model, and show that the auxiliary Hamiltonian needed for the counterdiabatic driving is of M-body interaction.
    WOS© Citations 9Scopus© Citations 11  121  201
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Probing quantum spin glass like system with a double quantum dot
    (Elsevier, 2016)
    Koh, Chee Yeong
    We study the ground state properties of a 4-qubit spin glass like (SGL) chain with probes at the end of the chain and compare our results with the non-spin glass like (NSGL) case. The SGL is modeled as a spin chain with nearest-neighbor couplings, taking on normal variates with mean J and variance Δ2. The entanglement between the probes is used to detect any discontinuity in the ground state energy spectrum. For the NSGL case, it was found that the concurrence of the probes exhibits sharp transitions whenever there are abrupt changes in the energy spectrum. In particular, for the 4-qubit case, there is a sudden change in the ground state energy at an external magnetic fi eld B of around 0.66 (resulting in a drop in concurrence of the probes) and 1.7 (manifest as a spike). The latter spike persists for fi nite temperature case. For the SGL sample with sufficiently large Δ , however, the spike is absent. Thus, an absence in the spike could act as a possible signature of the presence of SGL eff ects. Moreover, the sudden drop in concurrence at B ≈ 0:66 does not disappear but gets smeared with increasing Δ. However, this drop can be accentuated with a smaller probe coupling. The finite temperature case is also briefly discussed.
    Scopus© Citations 1  102  193
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Violating Bell inequalities maximally for two d-dimensional systems
    (American Physical Society, 2006)
    Chen, Jing-Ling
    Wu, Chunfeng
    Oh, Choo Hiap
    Ge, Mo-Lin
    We show the maximal violation of Bell inequalities for two d-dimensional systems by using the method of the Bell operator. The maximal violation corresponds to the maximal eigenvalue of the Bell operator matrix. The eigenvectors corresponding to these eigenvalues are described by asymmetric entangled states. We estimate the maximum value of the eigenvalue for large dimension. A family of elegant entangled states app that violate Bell inequality more strongly than the maximally entangled state but are somewhat close to these eigenvectors is presented. These approximate states can potentially be useful for quantum cryptography as well as many other important fields of quantum information.
    WOS© Citations 36Scopus© Citations 34  188  240
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Robust-fidelity atom-photon entangling gates in the weak-coupling regime
    (American Physical Society, 2012)
    Li, Ying
    Aolita, Leandro
    Chang, Darrick E.
    We describe a simple entangling principle based on the scattering of photons off single emitters in one-dimensional waveguides (or extremely lossy cavities). The scheme can be applied to polarization- or time bin-encoded photonic qubits, and features a filtering mechanism that works effectively as a built-in error-correction directive. This automatically maps imperfections from the dominant sources of errors into heralded losses instead of infidelities, something highly advantageous, for instance, in quantum information applications. The scheme is thus adequate for high-fidelity maximally entangling gates even in the weak-coupling regime. These, in turn, can be directly used to store and retrieve photonic-qubit states, thereby completing an atom-photon interface toolbox, or applied to sequential measurement-based quantum computations with atomic memories.
    WOS© Citations 45Scopus© Citations 53  281  203
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Gisin’s theorem for three qubits
    (American Physical Society, 2004)
    Chen, Jing-Ling
    Wu, Chunfeng
    Oh, Choo Hiap
    We present a Theorem that all generalized Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states of a three-qubit system violate a Bell inequality in terms of probabilities. All pure entangled states of a three-qubit system are shown to violate a Bell inequality for probabilities; thus, one has Gisin’s theorem for three qubits.
    WOS© Citations 74Scopus© Citations 76  175  278
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Two-dimensional network of atomtronic qubits
    (American Physical Society, 2018)
    Safaei, Shabnam
    Gremaud, Benoit
    Dumke, Rainer
    Amico, Luigi
    Miniatura, Christian
    Through a combination of laser beams, we engineer a 2D optical lattice of Mexican hat potentials able to host atoms in its ring-shaped wells. When tunneling can be ignored (at high laser intensities), we show that a well-de ned qubit can be associated with the states of the atoms trapped in each of the rings. Each of these two-level systems can be manipulated by a suitable con guration of Raman laser beams imprinting a synthetic ux onto each Mexican hat cell of the lattice. Overall, we believe that the system has the potential to form a scalable architecture for atomtronic ux qubits.
    WOS© Citations 5Scopus© Citations 6  137  152
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Local convertibility and the quantum simulation of edge states in many-body systems
    (American Physical Society, 2014)
    Franchini, Fabio
    Cui, Jian
    Amico, Luigi
    Fan, Heng
    Gu, Mile
    Korepin, Vladimir
    Vedral, Vlatko
    In some many-body systems, certain ground-state entanglement (Rényi) entropies increase even as the correlation length decreases. This entanglement nonmonotonicity is a potential indicator of nonclassicality. In this work, we demonstrate that such a phenomenon, known as lack of local convertibility, is due to the edge-state (de)construction occurring in the system. To this end, we employ the example of the Ising chain, displaying an order-disorder quantum phase transition. Employing both analytical and numerical methods, we compute entanglement entropies for various system bipartitions (A|B) and consider ground states with and without Majorana edge states. We find that the thermal ground states, enjoying the Hamiltonian symmetries, show lack of local convertibility if either A or B is smaller than, or of the order of, the correlation length. In contrast, the ordered (symmetry-breaking) ground state is always locally convertible. The edge-state behavior explains all these results and could disclose a paradigm to understand local convertibility in other quantum phases of matter. The connection we establish between convertibility and nonlocal, quantum correlations provides a clear criterion of which features a universal quantum simulator should possess to outperform a classical machine.
    WOS© Citations 26Scopus© Citations 28  352  187