Koh, Elizabeth
- PublicationOpen AccessValue and challenges in using a collaborative critical reading and learning analytics system: A cross-case analysis of two high schools(International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc., 2023)
; ;Jonathan, Christin; ; Tan, Jennifer Pei-LingWiREAD+ is an augmented web-based collaborative critical reading and learning analytics environment that was developed to scaffold and engage students in collaborative dialogue around online texts. This paper reports on the trial of WiREAD+ for Grade 9 students in two high schools – School 1 (S1) with prior experience and School 2 (S2) that was new to the intervention design. We report on a cross-case analysis of the two schools, focusing on perceived ease of use and usefulness for learning, and reflect on the value and challenges of enacting WiREAD+ across schools of varying prior experience. Drawing from the findings of this cross-case analysis, we consider how we can support the wider adoption and deployment of the system across schools and settings by highlighting obstacles that new participants who might trial such new learning analytics systems might face.20 437 - PublicationOpen AccessBlended learning environments to support teacher professional development communities(National Institute of Education (Singapore), 2019)
; ;Ho, Jeanne Marie Pau Yuen ;Imran Shaari; ;Teow, LyndiaNorhayati MunirWith the prevalence of online communication in recent years, many teacher professional development (TPD) activities occur in blended learning environments which combine face-to-face (FTF) co-located experiences with online experiences. However, many scholars point out that blended learning environments need to be thoughtfully designed in order to integrate FTF learning with online learning experiences, and that there seems to be a lack of designs that pertain specifically to in-service teachers. Professional development is crucial for inservice teachers who are at the forefront of learning and teaching in the classroom. To impact student learning, deepening content knowledge and upgrading pedagogical skills are pivotal to teachers’ professionalism. Building professional development communities through blended learning environments is a core strategy for teachers to grow their professionalism, considering the multitude of demands faced by teachers, especially in Singapore. With the aim of designing more supportive and sustained TPD communities through blended learning environments, we undertook a review of the literature. This review has resulted in a five R conceptual framework. We synthesised from the literature the observation that the design and development of sustained blended TPD communities involve multifaceted and complex issues. Such communities would need to hold strong relevance for their members, encourage close relations between members, enable rich reifications of artefacts, be well recognised by important stakeholders, and lastly, be equipped with structural, digital, and human resources.252 276 - PublicationRestrictedDevelopment and use of a web-based Collaborative Video Annotation and Analytics Environment to enhance blended teacher professional development (CoVAAPD) in physical education(Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2024)
; ;Jonathan, Christin ;Phan, Joanna Swee Lee ;Tay, Siu Hua ;Chian, Zason Lit Khoon; ;Tan, Jennifer Pei-LingMartens, Melanie AnnThe Collaborative Video Annotation and Analytics Environment for Teacher Professional Development (CoVAAPD) project is a collaboration between National Institute of Education, Physical Education and Sports Teacher Academy (PESTA), and Educational Technology Division (ETD), Ministry of Education (MOE), to develop, implement and evaluate a web-based collaborative video annotation and analytics environment to enhance blended teacher professional development (PD) in Physical Education (PE). CoVAAPD was based on a prior evidence-based ICT innovation, an NRF-funded eduLab project, CoVAA, where teachers were involved in experimenting with the use of video annotation tools to improve learning and teaching in secondary schools. CoVAAPD leverages and augments CoVAA with substantial customisation for teacher PD.
Typically, PE teachers engage in face-to-face discussions about lesson design and enactment with MOE officers from PESTA. Even more infrequent is the involvement of other PE teachers due to the inability to meet because of their hectic schedules. CoVAAPD expands opportunities to enrich the interaction and discourse, enabling collaborative blended professional learning for the PE teacher community. Teachers can learn from each other, and dialogue anywhere and anytime from posted video resources (e.g., of a teacher’s lesson). Teachers can make time-point based annotations, and within their professional learning community, share annotations, review peer annotations, and view/receive mentor feedback. Additionally, mentors can embed purposefully designed pedagogical scaffolds/tags to engage teachers in richer practitioner dialogue and social knowledge construction to refine and improve their design and enactment of PE lessons. Powerful learning analytics modules (based on pre-specified pedagogical tags) are integrated to enable teachers and mentors to continuously monitor professional learning progress to enhance and augment face-to-face lesson observation feedback and practitioner reflection activities.
27 29 - PublicationRestrictedCurriculum innovation and the nurturing of twenty-first century learners(Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2020)
;Tan, Liang See; ; ; ;Tan, Keith Chiu Kian ;Koh, Kar Boon ;Quek, Chwee Geok ;Liew, Poh YinTan, Ban HuatThe implementation of Integrated Programme (IP) to allow students to skip a high-stakes examination at the end of Year 4 is an unprecedented step in the history of Singapore’s education. This study was timely in collecting baseline data at the beginning of the IP within the same school that offers the express (“O” level) track and thus allows the comparison of pre- and post- IP data between the Express and IP students. Such a research design was not possible in an earlier Ministry of Education (MOE) IP study as the schools involved then only had students in the IP path. However, this NIE-study provides more in-depth knowledge about the IP intervention and how it affects learning with greater confidence. Specifically, the data from this study provides multiple forms of comparisons that is, IP versus Express programme outcomes; General Certificate of Education (GCE) “A” levels versus International Baccalaureate learning pathways by which 21st century competencies (that is, critical thinking, creative thinking and readiness for self-directed learning) have been achieved. Finally, this study includes an additional measure of creative thinking, which was absent in the MOE IP study. The study also provides insights into how different school types that is, autonomous versus independent schools, respond to curriculum innovation in the context of IP. The question therefore is will the removal of the high stakes examination in fact provide a conducive space to build teachers’ adaptive expertise (Hatano & Inagaki, 1984) in curricular innovations?176 7 - PublicationOpen AccessMeasuring and nurturing teamwork competency through a computer-supported creative collaborative problem-solving programme.(National Institute of Education (Singapore), 2020)
; ; ; ;Hong, Helen ;Tan, Jennifer Pei-Ling ;Tee, Yi Huan ;Dhivya SureshLek, Hsiang Hui250 165 - PublicationOpen AccessCurriculum innovation and the nurturing of 21st century learners(2016)
;Tan, Liang See; ; ; ;Quek, Chwee Geok ;Liew, Poh Yin ;Tan, Ban Huat ;Tan, Keith Chiu KianKoh, Lauren Kar Boon425 236 - PublicationOpen AccessTransforming teaching through collaborative reflection: A Singaporean case(Malaysian English Language Teaching Association, 2017)
; ;Hong, HelenEducational success has been largely defined by academic scores in many educational systems, and teachers are frequently held accountable for their students’ scores. These accountability-driven school systems impinge on teachers to enact time-tested effective and efficient pedagogical approaches. In such a context, it is onerous for teachers to adopt alternative approaches. This paper traced how an experienced language teacher, schooled in the discourses and practices of neoliberalism, made a transformation into a teacher of constructivist bent. It explored the transformation of the teacher’s beliefs and practice as a result of reflecting collaboratively with a small team. The findings help to provide a broad understanding of how collaborative reflection can develop teachers’ ability to engage in reflection, and illuminate the potential it has in transforming the teaching practices set against the background of neoliberalism. This finding has relevance for Asian countries which are similarly engulfed in a neoliberal discourse.366 370 - PublicationOpen AccessAnalytics of social processes in learning contexts: A multi-level perspective(2016-06)
;Rose, Carolyn P. ;Gaesevic, Dragan ;Dillenbourg, Pierre ;Jo, Yohan ;Tomar, Gaurav ;Ferschke, Oliver ;Erkens, Gijsbert ;van Leeuwen, Anouschka ;Janssen, Jeroen ;Brekelmans, Mieke ;Tan, Jennifer Pei-Ling; ; ;Jonathan, ChristinYang, SimonIn the past two decades, the field of Machine Learning has not only greatly expanded in terms of the plethora of increasingly powerful modeling frameworks it has provided, but has also birthed the applied fields of Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics. Learning Analytics has blossomed as an area in the Learning Sciences, promising impact for various stakeholders working at different educational levels, such as Instructional Designers, Students, Instructors, Policymakers and Administrators. This symposium offers a taste of cutting edge work across each of these levels, with a common emphasis on analytics applied to social processes.398 697 - PublicationOpen AccessTowards the scalability readiness of WiREAD+(National Institute of Education (Singapore), 2022)
; ;Jonathan, Christin; ; Tay, Siu Hua84 117