Lim, Kenneth Yang Teck
- PublicationOpen AccessThe development of a framework for the effective translation of educational research into sustained practice in Singapore(Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2024)
; Wu, LongkaiThis project arose from the need to engage in translation and scaling efforts from previous technologically mediated research projects; this is in line with the strategic direction set by the third tranche of research funding at the OER. The concepts of diffusion, scaling and translation are contested and are sometimes framed too narrowly from the paradigm of numbers progressing along a unilinear trajectory alone; to an extent, this paradigm arises from how translation has been understood from the bioscience and pharmacological industries. Transposing these understandings to the Social Sciences in general, and to Education in particular, has not been straightforward.
Because of the pressing need to enact translational work for both Future Schools (FS) and eduLab projects and also potential CRPP curricular innovations, a framework to inform decision making and policy formulation is critical. Using one of these projects – the eduLab Six Learnings project – as a test-bed, we have sought to:
(a) determine how the design principles and theories which have informed the original research project can be subsequently scaled; and in the process develop a framework for translation which involves detailed understandings into the breadth and depth of the specificity of outcomes resulting from the research; and
(b) assess whether there is sufficient preparedness in the schools in terms of teacher-readiness for scaling to occur. The latter is important largely because lethal mutations from the original intentions usually occur if those who take up the interventions do not understand the conceptual underpinnings of the research innovation.Hence, to reiterate, the central focus of this research study is to develop a framework for understanding how the outcomes arising from researcher-driven interventions may be translated, extended and scaled into wider practitioner-driven enactments, in the context of the education system in Singapore.
In 2012, we collected data of teacher enactment of Six Learnings curriculum to help us understand the process of effective translation of a curricular innovation in local schools. We explored how teachers in different schools and different levels appropriated a Six Learnings curricular framework in their classrooms, and discuss the kinds of support to be provided to teachers.
In our study, we have chosen to stress the importance of people and stakeholders as a key dimension in successful translation efforts. By arguing for a community-based approach to augment translation efforts, we have proposed and justified a social participatory process complementing the traditional product-oriented scaling models. We see this as another significant contribution of this study to the literature. We frame such a community as central to the success of re-creating resemblances and legitimate mutations relative to the original research innovation.
17 186 - PublicationRestrictedThe Starling Project: Representations of collaborative learning through the development of an education-focused client viewer for second life(2011-08)"To leverage the affordances of fictive worlds and virtual environments for learning, in order to help students develop enduring understandings in disciplinary-specific epistemologies ; To leverage these same affordances to help students appropriate dispositions and literacies aligned with fluent operation as global citizens in the 21st century."--executive summary.
- PublicationRestrictedThe Starling Project: Representations of collaborative learning through the development of an education-focussed client viewer for Second Life(Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2024)
This study examines the nature of adolescent purposes, the meanings adolescents attach to their school, learning and life experiences, social support systems, and satisfaction to school and life. The findings of this study are important to teachers and schools in planning appropriate programmes and services to enhance academic achievement and student wellbeing. The research questions are:
1. What is the nature of youth purposes and search for meaning among adolescents in Singapore schools? What kinds of positive or meaningful purposes are inspiring adolescents? What kinds of positive purposes are adolescents not responding to? What is the relationship between youth purpose and life satisfaction among Singaporean adolescents?
2. How have adolescents been introduced to these purposes and how have they been helped to find meaning in their school and life experiences? What is the nature of social support systems for adolescents in Singapore schools that help them maintain wellbeing in the face of stress?
3. What can schools do to support adolescents in their search for meaning and purpose?
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