Fostering conceptual understanding in students through the use of physics demonstrations
Ning, H. T., & Subramaniam, R. (2003). Fostering conceptual understanding in students through the use of physics demonstrations. In Research in and on the classroom: ERAS Conference 2003 Proceedings (pp. 474-487). Educational Research Association of Singapore.
Ning, Hwee Tiang
Subramaniam, R. (Ramanathan)
The topic of pressure in Physics was used to study the effectiveness of demonstrations in promoting conceptual understanding among secondary school students. Two classes of secondary school students were used for the test group while another two classes of students served as the control group; the latter group was taught the topic via the conventional chalk-and-talk approach. Analyses of students’ responses to survey instruments as well as of another instrument to gauge content acquisition and conceptual understanding show that the use of demonstrations promotes a learning climate which is conducive for the acquisition of key concepts and also helps to scaffold students’ thinking in a more pronounced manner as compared to the traditional approach. Some implications of this study are also discussed.
Date Issued
November 2003
This paper was published in the Proceedings of ERAS COnference held in Singapore from 19-21 November 2003