Training needs assessment : encouraging reflective practice using digital teaching portfolio
Woo, Gan Hoh
Hu, Chun
In an effort to encourage reflective practice through the use of digital teaching portfolio among Mathematics teachers of Kent Ridge Secondary School, a training needs assessment was conducted based on Rossett's (1987) model. Three analysis techniques and five needs assessment tools were used to gather information on optimals, actuals, feelings, causes and solutions from stakeholders involved in the digital teaching portfolio programme and from other data sources. The findings showed that the Mathematics teachers were willing to use the process of creating digital teaching portfolio as a form of reflective practice but lacked knowledge, skills and habits necessary to do so. The findings also showed that the Mathematics teachers' endeavours had the support of the Principal, HOD/IT, the technology assistant and the author and resources for the creation of digital teaching portfolio were available but some were not so accessible. Solutions such as provision of training using the blended approach during Learning Circle meetings, relocation of resources and giving of incentives were suggested to narrow or bridge the performance gap of Mathematics teachers in creating digital teaching portfolio.
Date Issued
Call Number
LB1027 Woo
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