Analysis of test takers’ metacognitive and cognitive strategy use and EFL reading test performance: A multi-sample SEM approach
Zhang, L., Goh, C. C. M., & Kunnan, A. J. (2014). Analysis of test takers’ metacognitive and cognitive strategy use and EFL reading test performance: A multi-sample SEM approach. Language Assessment Quarterly, 11(1), 76-102. https://doi.org/10.1080/15434303.2013.853770
This study investigates the relationships between test takers’ metacognitive and cognitive strategy use through a questionnaire and their EFL test performance on a reading test. Five hundred and ninety-three Chinese college test takers were invited to respond to a 38-item metacognitive and cognitive strategy questionnaire and a 50-item reading test. The data were randomly split into two samples (N=296 and N= 297). Based on relevant literature, three models (i.e., unitary, higher-order and correlated) of strategy use and test performance were hypothesized and tested to identify the baseline model. Further, cross-validation analyses were conducted. The results supported the invariance of factor loadings, measurement error variances, structural regression coefficients, and factor variances for the unitary model. It was indicated that college test takers’ strategy use affected their lexico-grammatical reading ability (LEX-GR) significantly. Findings from this study provide empirical and validating evidence for Bachman and Palmer’s (2010) model of strategic competence.
Taylor & Francis
Language Assessment Quarterly