Agama dan kebudayaan dalam masyarakat kosmopolitan [Religion and culture in the cosmopolitan society]
Muhammad Ariff Ahmad. (1987). Agama dan kebudayaan dalam masyarakat kosmopolitan [Religion and culture in the cosmopolitan society; Speech transcript]. https://hdl.handle.net/10497/20127
Muhammad Ariff bin Ahmad
Ucapan ini mengenai agama dan kebudayaan dalam masyarakat kosmopolitan. Penyampai mentakrifkan tiga hal yang yang berkaitan dengan topik ini iaitu; agama, kebudayaan dan masyarakat kosmopolitan. Penyampai juga membincangkan tentang masyarakat warga negara Singapura yang tidak dapat dianggap masyarakat kosmopolitan kerana dalm banyak hal masyarakat itu terikat oleh satu kebangsaan. Maka penyampai cuma melihat dari sudut kelompok Melayu sahaja. Kesimpulannya adalah amalan kebudayaan tidak ditegah oleh agama selagi amalan itu tidak bertentangan dengan ajaran agama.
This speech is about religion and culture within the cosmopolitan society. The presenter defined three aspects which are related to the topic namely; religion, culture and the cosmopolitan society. The speaker discusses on the Singaporean society as one which cannot be considered as a cosmopolitan community because it is also bound by the commonality of the national identity. Thus the speaker presents his opinion based on the Malay community and Islam as the religion of the Malays . In conclusion, cultural practices are not prohibited by religion as long as the practice itself is not contrary to religious teachings.
Date Issued
June 6, 1987
Speech delivered at the Opening ceremony of Masjid Al-Mukminin, 6 June
1987, Singapore
1987, Singapore