An action research on differentiated instruction in geometry for lower secondary normal stream students
Yong, Yock Kim
Chew, Lee Chin
This study was focused on a mathematics teacher’s use of differentiated instruction strategies for teaching two units in geometry to a class of lower secondary normal students in a Singapore school. A total of 39 students with diverse academic background participated in this three-part action research study. The first study (Study 1) obtained a profile of the students in terms of their academic background as well as learning needs, learning styles and interest. In the second study (Study 2), the teacher designed lessons based on van Hiele’s levels of geometrical understanding and instructional strategies that were differentiated in one or more aspects, namely, content, process and product to provide students of different ability in mathematics with multiple options for taking in information, making sense of ideas, and expressing what they learn (Tomlinson, 2000). These include differentiated assignments (tiered worksheets), flexible groupings (whole group, small group, individual) and other strategies. A pre-post test design was used to collect the data on students’ learning achievement and their attitudes towards mathematics learning. These collected data together with the teachers’ observation and student interviews were used in a final study (Study 3) to evaluate the effectiveness of the two-month long implementation of differentiated lessons. Though the observed gains in students’ learning are not conclusive given the single group pre-post design used for study, a triangulation with the results of the attitudinal survey and other informal feedback/observation shows that differentiated instruction holds promise as a pedagogical approach for reaching out to students with diverse learning needs. Implications of the findings on differentiated instruction for classroom teachers are discussed and directions for future research are also delineated.
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