Sasikumar Ponnalagu. (2019). பாரம்பரிய விளையாட்டுகள், பாடல்கள் வழியே தமிழ்மொழிக் கற்பித்தல் [Teaching Tamil language through traditional games and songs]
Our traditional games and game-based songs have cultural values. As such, we would like to teach our students these traditional games and game-based songs for better understanding of our values and integrating them into their daily lives. Our traditional songs have an array of benefits which include the teaching of correct pronunciation. When these songs are practiced aloud, the students will be able to recognize and pronounce Tamil alphabets in the proper manner. In the past, people lived as jointfamilies. However, in our current modern world, most of them are living with their separate families. As such, they do not have sufficient knowledge and exposure with regards to the proper kinship terms. Most of the traditional Tamil game-based songs include Tamil kinship terms, Tamil names of flowers, names of the 12 Tamil Months, and names of the 60 Tamil years. All these, can be taught easily through our Tamil game-based songs. By singing the songs, students can build on their vocabulary. Self directed learning is one important aspect amongst the 21st CC skills. These songs equip our students skills necessary to meet the challenges of the globalized world today as well as enhancing their psychological learning. While playing these traditional games, students tend to learn more from their peers as compared to their parents and teachers. Many Tamil students face problems in reading Tamil fluently. Practicing our game based songs will help to recognize, speak and read Tamil without much difficulties, making them more fluent in reading. Most of the songs have values and deep meanings,
which boost the morale of students allowing them to have a greater sense of esteem. In all, we would like to reiterate that teaching and learning through Tamil game-based songs is enjoyable, enriching and fulfilling.