Hmmm!! Sounds good!
Kalaimani Retnasamy. (2002). Hmmm!! Sounds good! In The classroom of the 21st century: A paradigm shift: Proceedings of the Teachers Network Conference (Vol. 2, pp. 119-124). Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), Singapore.
Kalaimani Retnasamy
According to the constructivist learning model, 'learning engages the entire physiology not just the intellect'. Students would be more motivated to learn if their senses are engaged. Multimedia presentations with its rich animation effects and sounds would be one of the means of creating a conducive learning environment that engages the students' sense of sight and hearing. That is perhaps one of the reasons why many teachers use Powerpoint to add the multimedia element into the classroom presentations.This paper would explore the various kinds of sound elements and the effect each of these sound elements has on transforming an otherwise static lesson into one that is able to capture the imagination of the students.
Date Issued
May 2002
This paper was published in the Proceedings of the Teachers Network Conference held at Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), Singapore from 29-30 May 2002