Examining the efficacy of online psychotherapy
Eu, Elizabeth Shuwen
Chua, Sook Ning
Suh, Hanna
With the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating the shift toward telehealth, there has been a rising trend of online therapy as an alternative platform for individuals needing psychological help. Although extensive research has been conducted on the efficacy of online psychological treatment in Western countries, little is known about the effectiveness of online therapy within Asian communities. Furthermore, despite the increased popularity of online therapy in Malaysia, it has yet to be recognized as by the Malaysian Board of Counsellors as a viable mode of therapy. Thus, there is an impending need for efficacy research to be done in the area of telepsychology in Malaysia so that concrete changes can be made towards the acceptance of online therapy. This study utilized Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2) data collected by Relate Mental Health Malaysia, a Malaysian organization providing online therapy services, to study the effectiveness of online therapy amongst the Malaysian population. Overall, the results of the study showed that online therapy was effective as there was decrease in mean scores for the Symptoms Distress scale, Interpersonal Relationships scale, Social Role scale, and the total OQ score for all participants. These results suggest that online therapy could be confidently infused and implemented in Asian samples (i.e., Malaysian individuals). Implications of the findings and recommendations for future directions of online therapy services and research are discussed.
Call Number
RC489.D35 Eu
Date Submitted