Early childhood intervention: What we know and where we are headed. A review of local and international literature and implications for Singapore
Xie, H., Nah, Y. H., Yang, X., Sengalrayan, B. W. & Poon, K. K.-L. (2021). Early childhood intervention: What we know and where we are headed: A review of local and international literature and implications for Singapore (NIE Working Paper Series No. 18). National Institute of Education (Singapore). https://hdl.handle.net/10497/23405
Xie, Huichao
Yang, Xueyan
Sengalrayan, Bernadine Wilhelmina
There is increasing attention to, and acceptance of, that providing high quality early childhood intervention in a timely manner enhances the development and well-being of young children and their families. This paper covers the important topics in intervention and special education provided for young children from birth to six years old, as well as describes the local early childhood intervention system in Singapore. Based on a review of both local and international literature, this paper first provides an overview of the local early childhood education and early intervention landscape. After that, a brief summary is provided on the evidence-based practices in inclusion of children with developmental or special educational needs, identifying special needs in early childhood, personnel preparation and professional development, transitioning from early childhood to formal schooling, and family engagement and collaboration. Linking the findings from the literature to the local context, recommendations for advancing early childhood intervention services in Singapore are provided under each topic as well as summarised at the end of the paper.
Date Issued
National Institute of Education (Singapore)
NIE Working Paper Series; 18