Peer-negotiated constructions of space and place using mobile telephony
Conference Paper
Paper presented at the Ed-Media conference, Montreal, Canada, 2005.
This paper describes the results of a study involving about a hundred adolescents from various
Secondary Schools in Singapore in 2004. Subjects were tasked with two complementary tasks in
the field, and they worked in pairs to navigate a given route, and also to subsequently engage in a
debate about an issue pertaining to the same neighbourhood, using text - and picture-messaging
technologies. The paper references an earlier pilot study carried out that same year with a
separate, smaller, group of students. The results of the study are analysed with a view to
informing more effective classroom practice, specifically when teaching map-reading, and, more
generally, in collaborative learning environments as a whole.
Date Issued
June 2005
CRP 14/03 JH