IT training needs assessment for teachers in a pre-school
Fan, Cassie Yuen Fun
Cheung, Wing Sum
The IT training needs assessment (TNA) aims to identify the skills, knowledge and attitude that the teachers in ABC Kindergarten should possess (optimals) and what they already have (actuals), when IT is introduced in the classroom. During the process, performance problems or gaps between the optimals and actuals are identified. Suggestions are given to bridge these gaps.
Survey, visitation, questionnaires, individual interviews, focus group interviews and lesson observation are used to collect data. The gaps identified are: Teachers in ABC Kindergarten lack IT skills, knowledge and motivation. There is no incentive, proper working environment and tools (IT hardware and software) for teachers to conduct IT-based lessons in the classroom.
Recommendations to bridge the gaps include training for teacher, provision for professional development opportunities, formulating incentives, recognition and reward and allocation of resources (e.g. time, money) for IT usage. Appended are the sample instruments, a proposed list of IT training outcomes for pre-school teachers, a list of recommended software for the school and descriptions for the detailed TNA process such as the proposal for ABC Kindergarten and data collection plans at different stages.
Survey, visitation, questionnaires, individual interviews, focus group interviews and lesson observation are used to collect data. The gaps identified are: Teachers in ABC Kindergarten lack IT skills, knowledge and motivation. There is no incentive, proper working environment and tools (IT hardware and software) for teachers to conduct IT-based lessons in the classroom.
Recommendations to bridge the gaps include training for teacher, provision for professional development opportunities, formulating incentives, recognition and reward and allocation of resources (e.g. time, money) for IT usage. Appended are the sample instruments, a proposed list of IT training outcomes for pre-school teachers, a list of recommended software for the school and descriptions for the detailed TNA process such as the proposal for ABC Kindergarten and data collection plans at different stages.
Date Issued
Call Number
LB1140.25.S55 Fan
Date Submitted