Metacognition & mathematical problem solving: Teaching and learning at the primary levels (MetaMaps (Primary))
Metacognition is a feature of Singapore’s Problem-Solving Mathematics Curriculum for more than twenty years, but there has limited formal effort to examine its impact in the mathematics classrooms from both the teaching and learning perspectives. Given the research which links metacognition strongly to success in problem solving and the role which metacognition plays in preparing our students for the 21st Century, this project aims to take on this role with an intention to better develop a plan to prepare primary mathematics teacher in addressing metacognition in the primary mathematics classrooms.
The objectives of the exploratory project is to develop preliminary teacher conceptions of metacognition and metacognitive instructional practices grounded based on the phenomenon under observation. The project is based on some initial findings as well as theoretical constructs and framework carried out by a doctoral study, one school-based curriculum development project and an in-service course on metacognition for mathematics teachers:
(a) Doctoral Studies – Lee, N. H. (2008). Enhancing mathematical learning and achievement of secondary one normal (academic) students using metacognitive strategies. Unpublished PhD thesis, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
(b) School-Based Curriculum Development Project – Lee, N.H., Yeo, D.J.S., & Hong, S.E. (2014). A metacognitive-based instruction for Primary Four students to approach non-routine mathematical word problems. ZDM - The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 46(3), 465-480.
(c) Inservice Course – IME 2055: Metacognition in the mathematics classroom (conducted once a year by Lee, N.H. since July 2009).