சிங்கப்பூர்த் தமிழ்க் கவிதையின் பாடுபொருளும் செல்நெறியும் (1965-2010) [The theme and trend of Singapore Tamil poetries (1965-2010)]
The history of Singapore's poetry can be split into two categories, before and after Singapore became a republic. This paper examines the content and path of Singapore poetry after it became a republic. Based on 1795 titles found in books published in the period of 25 years from 1965 to 1990, divine and love-based poems were widely written on. Following them, poems about social issues and songs sung based on titles given by radio stations took place. After independence, the immigrants who came here for their livelihood started contributing intensely to the growth of poetry in Singapore. They wrote poems to shed light on their lives and living conditions in those days. After 1990s, Singapore Tamil immigrants have greatly contributed to the growth of Singapore Tamil poetry. Singapore writer’s association, community centres, the national library board have organised numerous events to encourage people to write poems. Prizes were also awarded. However, it is worrying that people come forward to take part in these events for their personal gain and not for the interest in the development of poetry. It is the duty of Singapore born Tamils to uphold Tamil Language for the future. Not doing so, makes us believe that its fate is left open to be decided by future Tamil immigrants.