Postgraduate diploma student teachers' perceptions of their levels of knowledge and skills at the bginning and end of their initial teacher preparation programme
Wong, A. F. L., Choy, D., & Chong, S. N. Y. (2008, November). Postgraduate diploma student teachers' perceptions of their levels of knowledge and skills at the bginning and end of their initial teacher preparation programme [Paper presentation]. Asia-Pacific Education Research Association (APERA) Conference, Singapore.
This paper reports a part of a longitudinal study of 170 student teachers who were enrolled in the 2004 intake of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education – Primary (PGDE – Primary) initial teacher preparation (ITP) programme at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore. It examined the changes, if any, in the student teachers' perceptions of their pedagogical knowledge and skills at the beginning and the end of their teacher preparation using a survey which was administered at these two data points. The survey instrument was found to be reliable for assessing these perceptions of knowledge and skills. The findings also indicated that the student teachers' perception of their pedagogical knowledge and skills in facilitating student learning, planning and preparing lessons, assessing students and accommodating student diversity increased significantly by the end of their teacher preparation programme. However, the level of their perceived knowledge in the area of non-teaching responsibilities remained unchanged while their perceived skills in this factor decreased significantly at the end of the programme. Implications of these findings on the PGDE (Primary) ITP programme will be discussed in this paper.
Date Issued
November 2008
This paper was presented at the Asia-Pacific Education Research Association (APERA) Conference, held in Singapore from 26 – 28 Nov 2008