Mathematics through the lens of geometry
Lee, P. Y. (2002). Mathematics through the lens of geometry. In The classroom of the 21st century: A paradigm shift: Proceedings of the Teachers Network Conference (Vol. 2, pp. 171-180). Anglo-Chinese School (Independent).
Lee, P. Y. (Peng Yee)
How do we create an enriching learning environment that promotes learning? One way to move our students from learning mathematical concepts and skills in isolation to seeing how they are inter-linked is a paradigm shift that will cause our students to learn mathematics holistically and even to appreciate its intrinsic beauty. This paper discusses how mathematics teachers can stimulate the visual thinking or geometrical intuition of our students by looking at algebraic problems through the lens of geometry.
Date Issued
May 2002
This paper was published in the Proceedings of the Teachers Network Conference held at Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), Singapore from 29-30 May 2002