Reforming science practical assessment procedures: An account of classroom interactions and teacher development in Singapore
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, 2006
Towndrow, Phillip A. (Phillip Alexander)
Lee, Valarie
This paper outlines results from a study investigating the impact of an educational policy
initiative in Singapore called „Science Practical Assessment‟ (SPA). SPA is designed to
overcome the limitations of single, high-stakes practical assessment procedures and its
implementation repositions teachers as central in the selection of items to assess, the framing
of mark schemes, scoring and moderation. Through a documentary account, the paper
describes and comments on a science lesson on interactions and measurement. Results
suggest that the objectives of SPA are realizable within a program of collaborative and
reflective practice that clarifies and rearticulates the purposes of science practical work within
the study context. Our hope is that the teacher development strategies and classroom practices
described in this paper will eventually inform a program of interventionist action in science
pedagogy and practical work assessment with applications both in and beyond the immediate
study context.
Date Issued
May 2006
CRP 28/04 PT