Identifying successful teaching: NIE and Hobart & William Smith colleges student teachers discussed online
Mukhlis Abu Bakar. (2021). Identifying successful teaching: NIE and Hobart & William Smith colleges student teachers discussed online. Learning@NIE, 5, 8-9. https://www.in-learning.nie.edu.sg/static/LearningatNIEIssue5/
This article describes the efforts of the course coordinators from the National Institute of Education (NIE) and Hobart and William Smith (HWS) Colleges conducting an online session jointly for their respective student teachers. The students were tasked to discuss an article they were assigned to read. In ZOOM, they were separated into four groups, each in their own 'room', to discuss and type their notes on Microsoft PowerPoint slides which they shared when the groups reunited at the last segment of the meeting. This collaboration was a way of expanding student teachers’ knowledge and experience on a topic of common interest through direct contact (albeit online) with student teachers from another country.
Artikel ini menerangkan usaha penyelaras kursus dari Institut Pendidikan Nasional (NIE) dan Kolej Hobart dan William Smith (HWS) menjalankan sesi dalam talian secara bersama untuk guru pelatih masing-masing. Mereka membincangkan artikel yang telah ditugaskan untuk mereka baca sebelum sesi bermula. Dalam ZOOM, mereka dibahagikan kepada empat kumpulan, setiap satu dalam 'bilik' mereka sendiri, untuk membincangkan dan menaip nota mereka pada slaid Microsoft PowerPoint yang mereka kongsikan apabila kumpulan itu bersatu semula pada segmen terakhir sesi. Kerjasama ini merupakan satu cara untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman guru pelatih mengenai topik yang diminati bersama melalui hubungan terus (walaupun hanya dalam talian) dengan guru pelatih dari negara lain.
Date Issued
National Institute of Education (Singapore)