A school-based weight loss programme for overweight Singapore primary school children
Azhar Mohamed Hussain
Kunalan Canagasabai
Ch'ng, Alan
This study looked at 3 groups (exercise, parental and TAF) of 11 overweight primary school children. The exercise and parental groups were given 8 weeks of games and exercise sessions while the TAF group underwent the normal Trim and Fit programme of rope jumping and aerobics in school. The parental group received an added element of counselling sessions for the children's parents before and after the 8 weeks of training. Those in the parental involvement group had to furnish daily dietary data during the training period. The parents of this group then received weekly phone calls and were updated on the progress of their children. Children's body composition and fitness indices were taken before and after the 8 weeks. There were significant differences within the groups (p < 0.01). The exercise group showed reduction in weight, bodyfat as measured by skinfold and Body Mass Index (BMI). This group also showed significant differences in peak aerobic power and time on treadmill. The parental group showed reduction in weight, bodyfat as measured both by skinfold and Dual x-ray absorptionmetry (DEXA) and BMI. However, they did not show any significant differences in any of the peak power and performance variables. The TAF group showed significant increase in weight, bodyfat measured by DEXA and BMI. They also did not show any significant difference in of the peak aerobic and performance variables. When comparing between the groups, there were no significant differences between the groups. The skinfold values showed strong and significant correlations (pre-training r = 0.946, post-training r = 0.877, p < 0.01) with the DEXA values of bodyfat percentage. The results suggest that the 2-site skinfold technique is a feasible tool of body composition assessment for moderately obese or moderately overweight individuals.
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