அடுத்த பத்தாண்டுகளில் புலம்பெயர் நாடுகளில் தமிழ் கற்பித்தல் – ஒரு பார்வை
This presentation discusses the challenges faced in maintaining and sustaining the mother tongue language in diasporic Tamil communities. Mother tongue language is a great asset and benefits a child from birth. When the medium of education is different from a child’s mother tongue language, it becomes the duty of the parents and the heritage language teachers to use the language as a functional resource. In today’s twenty first century context, acquiring mother tongue language has many benefits like using it as a functional and communicative resource and treasuring it as a linguistic identity and ethnic solidarity. This presentation shares the educational research projects based experiences of Singapore Tamil classrooms using data that had been collected and analysed qualitatively from primary and secondary school classrooms. Recommendations to the Tamil community include understanding the nature of hybrid identity and second language or heritage language situation, making meaningful and motivating linguistic and cultural investments on youth, conducting sustainable teacher training, preparing interesting reading resources for children, facilitating immersion in language (from the first to the fifth year of a child) and strengthening the unity in the community.