Multicomponent Bell inequality and its violation for continuous-variable systems
Chen, J.-L., Wu, C., Kwek, L. C., Kaszlikowski, D., Żukowski, M., & Oh, C. H. (2005). Multicomponent Bell inequality and its violation for continuous-variable systems. Physical Review A, 71(3), Article 032107. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.71.032107
Multicomponent correlation functions are developed by utilizing d -outcome measurements. Based on multicomponent correlation functions, we propose a Bell inequality for bipartite d -dimensional systems. Violation of the Bell inequality for continuous-variable (CV) systems is investigated. The violation of maximally entangled states can exceed the Cirel’son bound; the maximal violation is 2.969 81. For finite values of the squeezing parameter, the violation strength of CV states increases with dimension d . Numerical results show that the violation strength of CV states with finite squeezing parameters is stronger than that of maximally entangled states.
Date Issued
American Physical Society
Physical Review A