Can ICT improve education outcomes? An experimental study in a Singapore primary school
Reyes, V., & Tan, D. K. H. (2013). Can ICT improve education outcomes? An experimental study in a Singapore primary school. PLS Working Papers Series, (5), 1-19.
Reyes, Vicente C.
Tan, Dennis K. H.
Reading is an important outcome leading to academic success in life. Young children with undetected phonological processing deficits; difficulties in naming letters, poor vocabulary and poor recognition of sight words and who do not benefit from early literacy intervention are disadvantaged. Recent developments see the rapid rise in using technology as a powerful tool in helping early literacy learners in reading and writing skills. The authors find it timely thus to undertake a localized investigation on the effects of using computer-based intervention to support young children identified with reading difficulties. This exploratory study included the selection of thirty (30) participants from the Learning Support Programme (LSP) especially designed to cater to students with reading difficulties. The experimental intervention uses Earobics©; an interactive software programme in addition to the current LSP programme.
Date Issued
National Institute of Education (Singapore)
PLS Working Papers Series;5