Adolescent usage of multimedia messaging in the negotiation, construction, and sharing of meaning about local environments
Conference Paper
Paper presented at the Ed-Media 2004 world conference on educational multimedia, hypermedia and telecommunications, Lugano, Switzerland, 2004.
Recent developments in handheld telephony have given rise to the ‘mobile internet' - a
range of technologies, from multimedia-messaging to access of the internet through
handheld devices. These trends have been accompanied by the increasing
consumerization of the mobile phone. Many students today have access to a tool, which
allows them to connect to potentially anyone else, regardless of spatial co-location. This
paper describes a study which was carried out in the early months of 2004, focusing on
how the social software of the mobile internet, such as text- and picture-messaging, is
used by adolescents in the process of constructing negotiated and shared understandings
of unfamiliar environments in which they may find themselves. Students were presented
with opportunities to collaboratively explore and navigate unfamiliar environments
using the technologies of the mobile internet, as well as to engage in debate, and used
multimedia evidence recorded in the field to defend their positions both to peers in the
field and subsequently in the classroom.
Date Issued
June 2004
CRP 14/03 JH