Design and implementation of blended synchronous learning: The instructor's perspective
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Design for blended synchronous learning: The instructor's perspective [Published title]
Wang, Q. (2021). Design for blended synchronous learning: The instructor's perspective. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long Learning, 31(3), 347-359. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJCEELL.2021.116007
Blended synchronous learning (BSL) has the potential to combine the advantages of classroom instruction and online learning. In this study, BSL was designed and implemented from the pedagogical, social, technical, and managerial aspects. This paper presents how BSL was prepared and designed before a lesson, implemented during the lesson, and improved after the lesson from the instructor's perspective. The results showed that the instructor needed to adjust certain learning activities before a lesson. He was often cognitively overloaded and having difficulties in monitoring the participation and engagement of the online students during the lesson. The design and implementation of BSL was gradually improved through reflections after the lesson. Implications for teachers who intend to apply this approach are discussed.
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning