Applying the science of learning to education: An insight into the mechanisms that shape learning
This book provides an overview of the various 'Science of Learning' (SoL) research projects led by researchers at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and international research collaborators. It presents the goals and rationale behind the Science of Learning in Education (SoLE) initiative and examines a spectrum of topics relevant to bolstering our understanding of the science underlying learning. The Science of Learning (SoL) is an advancing field, with proponents extolling its potential impact on educational practice. This book investigates the possible correlations or causal relationships between brain functioning and development, physiology, environment factors, and their impact on learning. It promotes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding biological to behavioural mechanisms of learning that are oriented toward optimizing and maximizing every learner’s potential.
Educational Neuroscie...
Numerical Magnitude P...
Effective Bilingualis...
Effective Biliteracy
Adolescent Sleep and ...
Game-based Interventi...
Socio-emotional Well-...
Physical Activity and...
Cognitive Control and...
Cognitive Training in...
Inhibition in the Cla...
Poverty and the Brain...
Poverty and Learning
Development of Litera...
Social Mixing and Bra...
Well-being and Learni...
Science of Learning
Social Influence on L...
Cultural Influence on...
Issues in Lab-to-Clas...