Crossing valley: Development of a serious game to measure cognitive flexibility in a problem-solving context
Conference paper
Fu, W. L., Fischer, N. L., Kalaivanan, K., Ong, G. S. T., Oh, A. J., Tripathi, S., Ellefson, M. R., Seow, P., Teo, C. L., & Hung, D. (2024). Crossing valley: Development of a serious game to measure cognitive flexibility in a problem-solving context. In J. L. Plass & X. Ochoa (Eds.), Serious Games: 10th Joint International Conference, JCSG 2024, New York City, NY, USA, November 7-8, 2024, Proceedings (pp. 124-133). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-74138-8_10
Fu, Wei Ling
Fischer, Nastassja Lopes
Kalaivanan, Kastoori
Ong, G. S. T.
Oh, A. J.
Tripathi, S.
Ellefson, M. R.
Cognitive flexibility (CF), the ability to swiftly shift between and adapt mental strategies to navigate novel situations, has been increasingly recognized as pivotal in classroom learning. Traditional behavioral measures tend to oversimplify the CF construct, mainly reducing it to set-shifting (i.e., attention switching within a task) or task-switching (i.e., alternating response between tasks) skills. However, recent literature has suggested that CF may encompass a wider range of abilities (e.g., adaptability to changes in the environment). To address this gap, we are adopting a unified framework that embraces a broader perspective and employs a serious game (SG) to assess CF within an educationally relevant, problem-solving context. By designing a serious game, we aim to provide a platform for an ecological assessment of CF skills within a problem-solving context. Our goal is to use game elements to enhance participant motivation, and to infuse educational relevance into assessments, thereby bridging the gap between psychological testing and real-world application.
Date Issued
9783031741371 (print)
9783031741388 (online)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15259
Funding Agency
National Research Foundation, Singapore