Gu shi ci jiao xue zhong chuang yi si wei de pei yang = Cultivating creative thinking through the teaching of classical Chinese poetry in the Singapore classroom
Other titles
Liu, Fang
Zhang, Aidong
21 世纪是知识经济的时代,知识经济的发展正以日新月异的速度改变着我们的社会,为了适应当今的生存环境,就要不断地创新,而创新意识的获得,离不开创意思维。因此,近年来对创意思维的关注已成为教育研究与实践领域的主要议事项目之一。例如新加坡政府于 1997 年 6 月提出了“思考的学校,学习的国家”的倡议,在此理念指引下,所有的学校教师都被鼓励传授各种思维技能尤其是创意思维技能给学生。
本论文的第三部分通过一个准实验研究以及教学实例,从实践方面探究了如何在教学中利用这些策略发展学生的创意思维能力及其成效。60 名学生参加了本次实验,实验数据通过问卷调查的形式获得。实验结果显示利用古诗词美学特征进行创意思维训练的教学策略对比传统教学法更能激发学生的创新意识。教学实例具体而翔实地阐明教师和学生在教学过程中的双边活动情况,从而对培养学生创意思维能力起到
本论文的第三部分通过一个准实验研究以及教学实例,从实践方面探究了如何在教学中利用这些策略发展学生的创意思维能力及其成效。60 名学生参加了本次实验,实验数据通过问卷调查的形式获得。实验结果显示利用古诗词美学特征进行创意思维训练的教学策略对比传统教学法更能激发学生的创新意识。教学实例具体而翔实地阐明教师和学生在教学过程中的双边活动情况,从而对培养学生创意思维能力起到
21st century is the time of the information economy, the development of which is changing our society quickly. In order to adapt ourselves to the living surroundings, we must innovate continuously. So in recent years, the concern for creative thinking has become one of the major agenda items in the area of educational study and teaching practice. E.g. this national agenda was intensified when the “thinking schools, learning nation” initiative was launched in June 1997 Singapore, with the thinking program in place, all school teachers were expected to impart various types of thinking skills especially creative thinking skill to their students.
This research study aim to (1) integrating the classical Chinese poetry’s aesthetic characteristic, investigate the creative factors embodied in the poetry, and take which as a baseline study to explore the practical tactics; (2)study how these strategies can develop students’ creative thinking ability when applying it into teaching practice and examine the effects of these tactics.
Based on many scholars’ studies on creative thinking, this thesis clarified the gradation on the capable of students’ creative thinking in the part of literature review. It is a kind of primary creativeness and is not involve with social value, that is to say, it is only suitable for development of individual.
Taking the studies on the poetry’s aesthetic characteristics which were made by our predecessors as the basis, the creative factors embodied in the classical Chinese poetry were discussed from angle of the poetry’s language and image in the second part of the thesis, and according to these factors, some practical tactics were studied as well in the course of teaching the classical Chinese poetry, which aimed to develop students’ creative thinking ability.
In order to determine the effects of how the above strategies can develop students’ creative thinking ability when applying it into teaching practice, the third part of this dissertation explored a quasi-experiment and provided a teaching example. A total of 60 students were involved in this experiment, response data from students’ questionnaires were collected and analyzed to evaluate the students’ attitude towards the learning of classical Chinese poetry, which revealed that the above strategies could significantly stimulate students’ creative consciousness, thus implied that it can enhance students' creative thinking ability. Then followed by a teaching example, which particularly and accurately clarifies the bilateral activity between teachers and students in class, whose original intention is to play an exemplary role in developing the students’ capability of creative thinking.
The conclusion of the study is that the classical Chinese poetry which embodied so many creative factors can be used to promote students' creative thinking ability; and some teaching strategies were provided as well.
In a world, we should exert ourselves to stimulate the students’ participant and creative consciousness, bring up their creative spirit, inspire their creative impulsion, and open up actively their success to the kingdom of creative thinking ultimately. If we can guide our students to appreciate the classical Chinese poetry creatively from different facets with taking the advantages of the poetry’s aesthetic characteristics, and cultivate their ability on raising doubts and difficult questions for discussion, the ability on association and imagination during the teaching processes, all the above goals can be achieved.
This research study aim to (1) integrating the classical Chinese poetry’s aesthetic characteristic, investigate the creative factors embodied in the poetry, and take which as a baseline study to explore the practical tactics; (2)study how these strategies can develop students’ creative thinking ability when applying it into teaching practice and examine the effects of these tactics.
Based on many scholars’ studies on creative thinking, this thesis clarified the gradation on the capable of students’ creative thinking in the part of literature review. It is a kind of primary creativeness and is not involve with social value, that is to say, it is only suitable for development of individual.
Taking the studies on the poetry’s aesthetic characteristics which were made by our predecessors as the basis, the creative factors embodied in the classical Chinese poetry were discussed from angle of the poetry’s language and image in the second part of the thesis, and according to these factors, some practical tactics were studied as well in the course of teaching the classical Chinese poetry, which aimed to develop students’ creative thinking ability.
In order to determine the effects of how the above strategies can develop students’ creative thinking ability when applying it into teaching practice, the third part of this dissertation explored a quasi-experiment and provided a teaching example. A total of 60 students were involved in this experiment, response data from students’ questionnaires were collected and analyzed to evaluate the students’ attitude towards the learning of classical Chinese poetry, which revealed that the above strategies could significantly stimulate students’ creative consciousness, thus implied that it can enhance students' creative thinking ability. Then followed by a teaching example, which particularly and accurately clarifies the bilateral activity between teachers and students in class, whose original intention is to play an exemplary role in developing the students’ capability of creative thinking.
The conclusion of the study is that the classical Chinese poetry which embodied so many creative factors can be used to promote students' creative thinking ability; and some teaching strategies were provided as well.
In a world, we should exert ourselves to stimulate the students’ participant and creative consciousness, bring up their creative spirit, inspire their creative impulsion, and open up actively their success to the kingdom of creative thinking ultimately. If we can guide our students to appreciate the classical Chinese poetry creatively from different facets with taking the advantages of the poetry’s aesthetic characteristics, and cultivate their ability on raising doubts and difficult questions for discussion, the ability on association and imagination during the teaching processes, all the above goals can be achieved.
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PL2307 L54
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