提升中学班主任工作积极性的对策研究 : 以北京市徐悲鸿中学为例 (Ti sheng zhong xue ban zhu ren gong zuo ji ji xing de dui ce yan jiu : yi Beijing Shi xu bei hong zhong xue wei li)
Wang, Tianyuan
Foo, Suan Fong
班主任在中国教育制度下的各个层级的学校中都有非常重要的地位,但中国当下对于班主任专业化的研究尚处在初级阶段,无论是制度还是管理模式都并不成熟,这种对更新管理模式的需求与实际制度不完善之间的矛盾导致当前班主任管理工作很难开展,班主任自身既缺乏工作积极性又缺乏职业幸福感。此篇论文旨在探讨影响班主任工作积极性的各种因素及产生原因,并完善班主任管理制度。作者根据科学的测试方法,对北京市 33 所中学班主任老师进行问卷调查、采集数据并对数据进行多角度分析,在此篇论文中展示北京市中学班主任工作现状,分析产生负面情绪的内外因,找到解决问题的突破口,用北京市徐悲鸿中学班主任管理工作作为个案研究载体,结合马斯洛需要层次理论、洛克的目标设置理论、亚当斯的公平理论以及赫兹伯格的双因素理论,从教育和心理的双重层面探讨提升班主任工作积极性的可行性办法,使学校班主任管理工作更人性化、多元化,更具有可操作性。本文作者结合北京市徐悲鸿中学的实际情况创造出了一套多维度的激励机制,用以提升班主任工作的积极性,并有待在实际工作中验证和完善。
The class teacher is of great significance in a wide variety of Chinese schools based on the Chinese educational system. However, research on the management and development of the class teacher is still inadequate. Due to the lack of standard management method, there is a huge gap between needs and practical policy. To discuss innovation in educational policy making and assessment, the study in which class teachers of thirty-three middle schools in Beijing were investigated and surveyed is undertaken. The analysis of statistic based on the survey aims at revealing the causes affecting class teachers' psychological heath and job activeness. Educational leadership of class teachers in Beijing Xu Beihong Academy is used as sample in this paper. A set of motivation policy is created in this paper, linking a series of educational and psychological theories with environmental impacts in sample school, aiming at improving class teachers’ enthusiasm and happiness, working more sustainably and effectively as well.
Date Issued
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LB3013 W364
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