Reasons for poor performance in Chinese: Eight case studies

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Sometime ago, Dr. Tay Eng Soon stated that "schools, pupils and parents must make the effort to study the second language. Although a very small number find this heavy going, in fact for the majority of our students, the second language presents little problem."' Interestingly enough, the "very small number" mentioned included a group of very high ability students who either failed or performed very badly in the '0' Level Chinese as a Second Language (CL2) examination for that year. We wanted to find out why, so we located eight of the students (the majority of whom had a minimum of five distinctions in the 1982 GCE '0' Level examinations), and interviewed them. At the time of the interview, they were all in either junior colleges or the polytechnics. We were particularly interested in the psychological factors that accounted for their poor performance in CL2, how these factors could be explained, and what lessons could be learnt from this experience.
Teaching and Learning, 5(2)68-74