Now showing 1 - 10 of 27
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    Memanusiawi parokial: Karya-karya Masuri S.N. dari sudut kemanusiaan
    (Asian Languages and Cultures Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, 2011)
    Bagaimanakah Masuri memandang dan mengulit parokialisme? Adakah tugas memanusiawi parokial pernah dipikul oleh Masuri? Bersandarkan karya-karya Masuri, terutama prosanya, soalan-soalan ini akan dijawab dengan memberi fokus pada sudut kemanusiaan untuk melihat bagaimana Masuri mentakrif, menaakul dan memanusiawi parokial yang berlaku di dalam diri dan di sekelilingnya.
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    Merenung kembali puisi: Untuk diri atau masyarakat?
    (Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia (ITBM), 2016)
    Persoalan sama ada penghasilan puisi itu untuk diri sendiri atau masyarakat dikaji dengan melihat sejarah perkembangan penulisan di Nusantara yang dipenuhi dengan polemik. Polemik puisi kabur dan puisi ‘sesat’ dan pertentangan ideologi antara Hamzah dan rakan-rakannya dengan ASAS ’50 dikaji secara kritis.
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    Hikayat Badrul Muin
    (National Library Board Singapore, 2018)
    A critical brief study of a literature work by Raja Aisyah binti Raja Haji Sulaiman of Pulau Penyengat, Riau. Written in six volumes in Jawi, Hikayat Badrul Muin promulgates female autonomy and empowerment in the realms of state, family and gender politics.
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    Singathology: 50 new works by celebrated Singaporean writers
    (National Arts Council, 2015)
    Gwee, Li Sui
    ; ;
    Azhagiya Pandiyan
    The first of its kind, this two-volume anthology comprises fifty specially-commissioned new works from past recipients of the prestigious Cultural Medallion or Young Artist Award. Commemorating the nation’s Golden Jubilee, this book celebrates the rich polyphony of Singapore’s literary creative voices. Traversing genres and generations, readers will encounter poetry, prose, comics and plays. Pieces written in Chinese, Malay and Tamil are accompanied by English translations, which ensure that important literary voices are heard in English for the first time. This book is a significant milestone in Singaporean literature.
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    Open Access
    Menyantuni pengajian ketamadunan demi membina sifat inklusif
    Pengajian ketamadunan yang ditawarkan di Jabatan Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Melayu, Institut Pendidikan Nasional, Singapura, merupakan satu bidang sains kemanusiaan yang agak baru diperkenalkan di peringkat Sarjana Muda Pendidikan. Walaupun demikian, ia mempunyai potensi yang sangat baik sebagai wadah pembinaan insan yang inklusif atau terangkum. Pengertian inklusif di sini dilihat dari sudut falsafah Arif Budiman yang berharap melahirkan insan yang berilmu dan menyumbang kepada masyarakat‘. Visi Arif Budiman menjadi teras kurikulum, pembelajaran dan pengajaran bahasa Melayu di sekolah-sekolah di Singapura. Di samping itu, kertas ini juga mendekati pengertian inklusif dari aspek kesedaran individu sebagai warga dunia yang bertanggungjawab. Kertas kerja ini menyarankan bahawa usaha menyantuni pengajian ketamadunan dapat membantu mencapai matlamat melahirkan insan yang sedemikian rupa dengan mengambil kira konsep kesantunan dan etika tajaan al-Jahiz (776M-869M) dan sudut pandangan sosiologi Ibn Khaldun (1332M – 1406M) mengenai ketamadunan.
      234  700
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    Open Access
    Syair in the life of the contemporary Malays in Singapore
    (Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2024) ;
    Syair, a form of traditional Malay poetry believed to have been adapted from the Persian or Arab civilization, has been a popular performative art in the Malay world, including Singapore. It has evolved since its first introduction to the Malay Archipelago with the coming of Islam, and what constitutes as syair today is a culmination of its language structure, aesthetics, and depth of author’s insights as a form of the Malay community’s creative art. Once prevalent amongst the Malays until the 1970s, syair has significantly declined in popularity with the emergence of modern poetry and printed prose, and modern-day forms of entertainment, among other things, though it is still familiar to the urban and contemporary Malays in Singapore. Based on the data collected from a research project (2018 to 2020) in Singapore, this paper demonstrates that syair in the form of rare hikayat (tales) texts and manuscripts are still kept as personal collection and family heirloom. Albeit dwindling in number, the art of syair recital is slowly eroding if not for individuals who perceive the preservation of syair texts and the art of syair recital as their honourable responsibility, akin to preserving the Malays’ social memory and collective wisdom.
      49  227
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    Open Access
    From laissez-faire to standardized tests to holistic assessment: Efforts to infuse “authentic intellectual quality” into the Malay language assessment tasks in Singapore
    Secular education in the form of Malay school was not introduced in Singapore until the coming of the British colonial in late 19th century. In the early years of its inception, teaching and learning, including assessments in Malay school very much replicated the practices of the long-prevailing religious schools or the madrasah. This paper traces the development of assessment practices of Malay school and in Malay language as a subject when Malay school was abolished in 1980s due partly to the growing importance of national schools in Singapore. With economic survival, industrialization, and globalization as the driving force for a series of educational restructuring throughout the life of the city-state, the assessment too, was driven by these factors and, hence, its continual reforms. While the narrative of assessment reforms of the Malay school and the Malay language forms the first part of this paper, the second part covers recent efforts to infuse “authentic intellectual quality” into teachers’ assessments tasks. The criteria of “authentic intellectual quality” will be presented.
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    Penerusan tradisi pendidikan Islam melalui pengajaran dan pendidikan 'nilai'
    (Pustaka Melayu, 2011)
    Keperihatinan Dr Haji Abbas Mohd Shariff terhadap aspek pendidikan ‘nilai’ dan kaitannya dengan tradisi pendidikan Islam menjadi teras perbincangan kertas ini. Dengan mengemukakan pandangan para sarjana Islam awal, kertas ini mengaitkan konsep ‘nilai’ pegangan Dr Abbas yang terbukti sehaluan dengan beberapa teori pendidikan Islam.
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