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  • Publication
    Metadata only
    Quasicontinuous spaces
    (Charles University, 2022)
    Lu, Jing
    Zhao, Bin
    Wang, Kaiyun
    We lift the notion of quasicontinuous posets to the topology context, called quasicontinuous spaces, and further study such spaces. The main results are: (1) A $T_{0}$ space $(X,\tau)$ is a quasicontinuous space if and only if $SI(X)$ is locally hypercompact if and only if $(\tau_{SI},\subseteq)$ is a hypercontinuous lattice; (2) a $T_{0}$ space $X$ is an $SI$-continuous space if and only if $X$ is a meet continuous and quasicontinuous space; (3) if a $C$-space $X$ is a well-filtered poset under its specialization order, then $X$ is a quasicontinuous space if and only if it is a quasicontinuous domain under the specialization order; (4) there exists an adjunction between the category of quasicontinuous domains and the category of quasicontinuous spaces which are well-filtered posets under their specialization orders.