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  • Publication
    Open Access
    MS/MS-based molecular networking approach for the detection of aplysiatoxin-related compounds in environmental marine cyanobacteria
    (MDPI, 2018)
    Ding, Gary Chi Ying
    Pang, Li Mei
    Liang, Zhao-Xun
    Goh, Kelvin Kau Kiat
    Glukhov, Evgenia
    Gerwick, William H.
    Certain strains of cyanobacteria produce a wide array of cyanotoxins, such as microcystins, lyngbyatoxins and aplysiatoxins, that are associated with public health issues. In this pilot study, an approach combining LC-MS/MS and molecular networking was employed as a rapid analytical method to detect aplysiatoxins present in four environmental marine cyanobacterial samples collected from intertidal areas in Singapore. Based on 16S-ITS rRNA gene sequences, these filamentous cyanobacterial samples collected from Pulau Hantu were determined as Trichodesmium erythraeum, Oscillatoria sp. PAB-2 and Okeania sp. PNG05-4. Organic extracts were prepared and analyzed on LC-HRMS/MS and Global Natural Product Social Molecular Networking (GNPS) for the presence of aplysiatoxin-related molecules. From the molecular networking, six known compounds, debromoaplysiatoxin (1), anhydrodebromoaplysiatoxin (2), 3-methoxydebromoaplysiatoxin (3), aplysiatoxin (4), oscillatoxin A (5) and 31-noroscillatoxin B (6), as well as potential new analogues, were detected in these samples. In addition, differences and similarities in molecular networking clusters related to the aplysiatoxin molecular family were observed in extracts of Trichodesmium erythraeum collected from two different locations and from different cyanobacterial species found at Pulau Hantu, respectively.
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