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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Geography teacher profile towards geospatial technology usage for geography learning in senior high school
    (Universitas Negeri Malang, 2024)
    Siti Nur Farihah
    Listyo Yudha Irawan
    Agus Dwi Febrianto
    Dedi Sasmito Utomo
    Nabila Nurul Hawa
    Ruhi Begum
    In the current era, the utilization of WebGIS technology in geographical learning is not yet optimized by educators. This is due to the fact that their knowledge and abilities in this field are still limited. Consequently, it is crucial to identify the variables that impact the integration of WebGIS in educational settings. This research endeavors to ascertain the influence of age, teaching tenure, and teacher gender on the utilization of WebGIS. This research employed a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The sampling method involved distributing a Google form to member teachers who had attended a webinar on the use of geospatial technology for learning, which was conducted by the Geography Subject Teachers Association. The research results indicate that age, gender, and teaching period influence the use of WebGIS, with variations in the type of WebGIS used being minimal. The results also show a significant influence of the third variable on the use of WebGIS in geography learning (p less than 0.00036). However, the influence of the third variable on WebGIS use is only 17.5 percent, with the remaining variance explained by other variables. The length of teaching experience exhibits a positive estimated value, indicating that longer teaching experience is associated with greater WebGIS use. In contrast, age and gender have negative estimated values, indicating that younger people and male teachers use WebGIS more frequently. This data also indicates that the use of WebGIS in learning activities is still limited among teachers. Geography teachers continue to use GIS technology on a limited scale and in a limited number of materials. Besides, they have not yet been able to integrate it into various relevant materials. The aforementioned data leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to reinforce the use of spatial technology in the education of prospective geography teachers and to provide training and assistance in the use of spatial technology for teachers who have previously taught while continuing to investigate other variables that may influence the use of WebGIS in learning.
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