Quek, Choon Lang
Understanding public perceptions of K-12 computational thinking education through an analysis of Quora
2023, Yin, Stella Xin, Goh, Dion Hoe Lian, Quek, Choon Lang, Liu, Zhengyuan
As more education systems integrate mandatory computational thinking (CT) classes into their curricula, understanding how the public perceives this issue is an important step in making educational policies and implementing educational reform. In this paper, we retrieved all accessible texts related to K-12 CT education on the Quora platform. The textual data obtained ranged from June 2010 to September 2022. We then performed topic modeling analysis to identify major topics and uncover meaningful themes of the public responses to CT education initiatives. In general, people expressed positive comments about CT education. However, they were still concerned about the difficulties in learning and education equality for disadvantaged groups. In addition, since CT practices develop students' essential skills in the job market, people may overestimate the outcomes of CT education. Our findings provide insights into public perceptions of children’s CT education. The results of this study can facilitate education policymaking, curriculum design, and further research directions.