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  • Publication
    Open Access
    Education for equality in a changing society
    (Taylor & Francis, 1991)
    The apparent gender inequalities in Singapore, in terms of educational access and attainment and labour force participation, have historical roots which are reflective of deep-seated social mores. A progressive trend towards greater equality is however discernible. But in a number of areas, such as enrolments in Science and Techincal courses, as contrasted with arts and education courses, females are disproportionately under-represented compared with males. While equality of educational opportunities is generally adopted in Singapore, educationists need to be vigilant against possible negative effects of some educational practices, such as the differential effects of early streaming, which might be disadvanageous to boys who tend to mature later than girls, and the adverse effects of self-fulfilling prophecies arising from the hidden curriculum of sex stereotyping.
      263  318