Study orchestrations and motivational differences in a mathematical context
Chue, K. L., & Nie, Y. (2017). Study orchestrations and motivational differences in a mathematical context. Learning and Individual Differences, 57, 77-84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2017.06.002
The aims of this study are to examine the learning approach profiles, or study orchestrations, of 357 pre-university students and its relations to academic achievement and motivation. As study orchestrations are context-specific, the current research is based on the subject of mathematics. Results indicated that four types of study orchestrations emerged: high-high, high-low, high-mid and low-low in deep and surface learning. Students with a high-high and high-low study orchestration had the highest academic achievement and intrinsic motivation. The level of identified regulation differs across all clusters whereas there were no significant differences in introjection except for the low-low study orchestration. External regulation is associated mainly with surface learning. Amotivation is associated mainly with a lack of deep learning.
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Learning and Individual Differences