A mixed-methods study of the leisure reading habits of preservice teachers
Lee, M. H. G., & Loh, C. E. (2022). A mixed-methods study of the leisure reading habits of preservice teachers. In Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2022: Transforming education & strengthening society: Conference proceedings (pp. 78-92). Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education (Singapore).
Reading habits and preferences are invaluable in fostering literacy instruction. Although there is considerable research on the importance of leisure reading for students, there remains room to explore its relevance among teachers and its application to the classroom context. This paper seeks to explore the attitudes, beliefs and habits of leisure reading among preservice teachers, and how their perceptions of leisure reading influence their teaching strategies and prioritization of leisure reading within the classroom. 8 semistructured qualitative interviews were administered to pre-service teachers, alongside 102 quantitative questionnaires and Author Recognition Tests to measure the extent of their print exposure. Findings identified most as prolific readers, unanimously agreeing on the importance of leisure reading. However, only a handful of pre-service teachers
were familiar with book series popular among students, and some remarked on negative reading experiences. Implications from the study include developing professional knowledge of extensive reading, reconsidering current reading programmes for greater effectiveness and placing more emphasis on young adult literature titles.
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