Exploring teachers' use of the student learning space (SLS) for differentiated instruction

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In Singapore, there has been a shift in education policy towards Differentiated Instruction (DI) to accommodate diverse learners. With the introduction of a common technological platform to all schools under the purview of the Ministry of Education, known as the Student Learning Space (SLS), and the national digital literacy programme, teachers in Singapore are encouraged to use SLS to enact DI in teaching and learning. However, little is known about how teachers do so. As such, this study aims to explore how teachers are using SLS to enact DI, and understand the factors facilitating and impeding its enactment.<br><br>This study used a qualitative approach to obtain in-depth perspectives from teachers. A teacher self-assessment form was used to systematically identify six teachers from the same school with a range of competencies in using SLS to enact DI. To obtain descriptive data, a semi-structured interview was conducted face-to-face with each teacher.<br><br>Analysis of the interview data revealed three key insights – (1) there is a spread of SLS DI activities across the four phases of technology integration in the Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition (SAMR) -framework, (2) teachers’ knowledge of DI and intentionality in enacting DI using SLS influenced their enactment of DI, (3) years of teaching experience is not a defining factor for a teacher to use SLS at higher levels of the SAMR-framework, and (4) there is a range of factors influencing teachers’ use of SLS to enact DI – beyond-school, school, teacher and student-related factors. With these insights, opportunities can be explored to better support teachers to enact DI using SLS.