Design-based research approach for teacher learning: A case study from Singapore
Lim, F. V., & Nguyen, T. T. H. (2021). Design-based research approach for teacher learning: A case study from Singapore. ELT Journal, 76(4), 452–464. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccab035
In this article, we describe how a design-based research approach brought about teacher learning in terms of both confidence and competence to design and enact a multiliteracies lesson package. This study is situated within the efforts to grow a community of practice comprising teacher champions across schools as they work closely with researchers. Based on a single case study of a teacher, the article discusses her discernible trajectory of growth as evident from her reflections collected after each of the lesson co-design sessions, the lesson plans that she designed, and her actual classroom practices. The findings from the study suggest that the design-based research approach, given its features, can be productive in bringing about a deeper and more reflective teacher learning and as a platform to strengthen the nexus between research and practice.
Date Issued
Oxford University Press
ELT Journal
DEV 01/18 VL
Funding Agency
Ministry of Education, Singapore