Are we all global citizens now? Reflections on citizenship and citizenship education in a globalising world (with special reference to Singapore)
Gopinathan, S. (2012). Are we all global citizens now? Reflections on citizenship and citizenship education in a globalising world (with special reference to Singapore). In B. Yung (Ed.), CGC Working Paper Series, 2012/01. The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Gopinathan, Saravanan
Research into citizenship education has traditionally focused on citizenship curricula within the context of the nation-state. More recently, as a response to globalization trends, it has been suggested that citizenship research must embrace the concept of the 'global ciitzen'. Such perspectives draw principally on Anglo-Saxon perspectives on the evolution of the nation-state and citizen-state relations. This perspective is critiqued from the context of a post-colonial developing state, Singapore, and an argument made that a nation-centric perspective is still viable.
Date Issued
February 2012
Hong Kong Institute of Education
CGC Working Paper Series; 2012/001