Hands, Head and Heart (3H) framework for curriculum review: Emergence and nesting phenomena
Tan, D. Y., Tay, E. G., Teo, K. M., & Shutler, P. M. E. (2020). Hands, head and heart (3H) framework for curriculum review: Emergence and nesting phenomena. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 106, 189–210. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10649-020-10003-2
In this work, we report the emergence of the Hands, Head and Heart framework that arose within the curriculum review for subject knowledge courses for primary school pre-service teachers in the National Institute of Education, Singapore. Through an initial grounded analysis of a survey of pre-service teachers and faculty focus group meeting data, the responses were broadly categorised into hands, head and heart domains and these formed an initial framework for discussions in the review committee meetings. By revisiting the data from the survey, an analysis through a complexity lens revealed the emergence of a characteristic nested self-similarity of the framework. Over the course of several committee meetings, further self-similarity was discovered. We conjecture that the Hands, Head and Heart framework and its self-similarity property provide a potential basis for a holistic approach to curriculum review. We used this framework to revise the learning objectives of the subject knowledge curriculum by resolving perspectives which previously seemed contradictory.
Springer Nature
Educational Studies in Mathematics
RS 2/17 TEG
Grant ID
Research Support for Senior Academic Administrators
Funding Agency
National Institute of Education, Singapore