Building an evidence-base for teacher education: Phase I: Pedagogical characterization of an initial teacher education classroom
Low, E. L., Ng, P. T., Hui, C., & Lin, H. J. (2014). Building an evidence-base for teacher education: Phase I: Pedagogical characterization of an initial teacher education classroom (Research Brief No. 14-005). National Institute of Education (Singapore). https://hdl.handle.net/10497/16589
This study examined the pedagogical practice of an initial teacher education course from the diploma programme in the National Institute of Education and how it contributed to student teachers’ professional growth in terms of pedagogical knowledge and skills, and professional identity as a teacher. This study made use of videographic data of 11 lessons of the course over an entire semester, and end-of-course focus group interviews with the student teachers and the lecturer who conducted the course. The findings have important implications for pedagogical practice in teacher education.
Date Issued
Research Brief; 14-005
This brief was based on the project OER 15/11 LEL: Buliding an Evidence-base for Teacher Education: Phase I.