The use of computer for timetable scheduling (a prototype)
Tham, Thomas Kine Chuen
Timetable scheduling has been a tedious and ongoing process done manually in NE. Clashes do occurred and changes need to be made even after the a schedule is supposedly planned. Certain days will not end before 8 p.m. for some staffs and students. For those who deal with timetable scheduling and thus perceive the complexity of the problem, these events are common and not alarming. In this academic exercise, a computer program based on Visual Basic 4.0 is written to provide an exploratory tool for timetable scheduling through the use of computer. Certain assumptions are made to reduced the complexity of the problem so that it is something manageable to start with. The main assumption made, is that the facility in NIE is unlimited, not only in quantity, but also in size. That is, there is always rooms when needed and the lecture hall can always accommodate the entire cohort.
The basic principle of the program is "mix and match" while manipulating with the constraints. The program enables the followings:
(a) Changing the number of time slots in a week.
(b) Forming tutorial groups automatically in two different methods.
(c) Randomizing the order of modules or pre-arranging them in a preferred order for insertion of timetable.
After studying the outputs churned out by the program under different combinations, it is clear that no BEST combination exists. The output varies with the number of students and the subject combination of the students. However, by inserting all the three-hour lessons first and the one-hour lessons last yields a better output than any other permutation. Also, by considering the modules with the largest combination of students first is least likely to have clashes.
Due to the short duration given to this academic exercise, the program is only customized to cater for BABSc (Yr I to IV), DipEd (Yr I & 1T) and PGDE (Pri & Sec). Also, all tutorial groups are fixed to have twenty-five (or less) students. While imposing these limitations, a reasonable scope of work is constructed. Nevertheless, further extension has always been the consideration when writing the program. Hence the program has created an opening for the use of computer for timetable scheduling.
The basic principle of the program is "mix and match" while manipulating with the constraints. The program enables the followings:
(a) Changing the number of time slots in a week.
(b) Forming tutorial groups automatically in two different methods.
(c) Randomizing the order of modules or pre-arranging them in a preferred order for insertion of timetable.
After studying the outputs churned out by the program under different combinations, it is clear that no BEST combination exists. The output varies with the number of students and the subject combination of the students. However, by inserting all the three-hour lessons first and the one-hour lessons last yields a better output than any other permutation. Also, by considering the modules with the largest combination of students first is least likely to have clashes.
Due to the short duration given to this academic exercise, the program is only customized to cater for BABSc (Yr I to IV), DipEd (Yr I & 1T) and PGDE (Pri & Sec). Also, all tutorial groups are fixed to have twenty-five (or less) students. While imposing these limitations, a reasonable scope of work is constructed. Nevertheless, further extension has always been the consideration when writing the program. Hence the program has created an opening for the use of computer for timetable scheduling.
Date Issued
Call Number
QA76.6 Tha
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